
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Story of My Life...

Hoho..this so-called quiz *pick your 5 sort of application* caught my eyes when I was facebooking dis evening. And it kept lingering in my mind all evening until I decide that I'm going to write about it in my blog. Ok, without wasting any more time, I'll present to you my 'proposal' for a movie about my life..


-Local = Khabir Bhatia. I admire this person's work. His movies are d only Malay movies I watched at the cinema *other than Upin & Ipin of course..=p*

-Hollywood = I hv no idea. Dun really remember the name of the directors for movies I watched. Maybe the director for d movie P.S. I Love You can direct this movie. I love d movie way better that d novel *P.S. I Love You's book fans, plz dun kill me..*


-I dunno..but one word title usually caught ppl's attention..something like 'If' is kinda interesting too..it makes ppl wonder what d movie is actually about..or maybe a title that goes along d line of 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility'..=p


-It will be separated into 3 eras; my childhood + primary school, my 2ndary school and my university life...

-1st era will be a story of Ugly Betty mixed with Dennis the Menace..

-2nd era would be a hillarious comedy and lots of fun..as 2ndary school was when i had d most fun..

-3rd era would be a drama as lots of things happened during my university life..=)



-Local = Scha. I got d feeling she can play 'me' well..=p

-Hollywood = Anne Hathaway. I like her and her acting...and I think she will be perfect as 'me'

Love Interest

-I'm currently not in a relationship, so it's quite hard to find a 'love interest' as I only hv crushes..=p Just bring me a list of actors with these qualities; 1. Height = min 175 cm 2. Smart-looking 3. Cute *Currently, I'm interested in cute-looking guys..=p* Hoho..I guess there'll be a long list of qualified actors..so I'll just run through them and disqualify anyone who didn't seem to meet 'my standard' in love interest..=p

-As an example, Kim Hyun Joong would be perfect for d role of 'my love interest'. He's tall, smart-looking and cute! =)


-It's hard to choose only one person among my close friends, so I guess I'll choose my eldest (and only) sister as my BFF in the movie about my life. BTW, she's d only person who had known me for d whole 21 years of my life! *other than my parents, of course*

-Local = Jue Aziz. She's not one of my fav actress but I suppose she's perfect for the role

-Hollywood = Somehow I think Eva Longoria Parker can play the role of 'my sister' well..=)


-Hollywood = Parents like Lizzie's father and mother in the series Lizzie McGuire would be just gr8 for the role of my parents

-Local = I totally hv no idea. For the 'mom' I guess Rozita Che Wan would be terrific but I can't think of a single local actor who can play the role of my 'dad'...

Worst Enemy

-I'm not even that popular to hv somebody who hated me to the core but I guess a movie wouldn't be complete without an antagonist character, rite?

-Hollywood = I loathe Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. One of them can play the role as my 'worst enemy'

-Local = Definitely Fasha Sandha...=p

So what do you think? Is the story about my life interesting enough to be turned into a movie? I doubt so..=p

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lonely...I Am So Lonely...=(

It is a well-known fact that I loathe being alone..n d worst part is I don't only hate being alone in a literal sense, I hate FEELING lonely as well..frankly speaking, even if there's thousands of ppl around me, but those ppl aren't d ones I need d most at that point of time, I'll still feel lonely..=(

Things changes in a blink of eyes. Someone who was very much alive 3 weeks ago had already left, leaving only traces of memories for us who are still breathing on earth. Someone who was very healthy 2 weeks ago had been diagnosed with something unimaginable *though not totally unexpected* and had experienced things that she might never experience hv she not been diagnosed with this particular disease. Some virus which looks so mild few weeks back hv been on 'killing spree' lately, sacrificing innocent souls every single day. Someone I cared so much about is gone, for good I supposed, leaving me feeling d fear dat i'll never meet dat person again...

All these things affect me terribly, leaving me feeling insecure, LONELY, sad, anxious, annoyed, etc..I hate it when I hv no one to talk to, to share about what i feel...no wonder no man is an island on his own! I don't think I'll ever survive if am left alone in a stranded island. I need company, male or female, stranger or friend...I don't really mind. I've never felt this alone my whole life *due to d fact that my life is only a short 21 years...coupled with d fact that only recently I understand the real meaning of love and life*.

I really don't know how to make this lonely feeling go away...so I only did what I do best, ignore it. Distract myself with other things, happy things. Though I'm not sure whether it will do me good, that's d only option left. Whether I talk to someone about it *which is highly unlikely as I'm not d kind of person who like to share personal problems with others* or I just bottled up everything nicely and put it at the back of my mind and only 'open up' the bottle when all the problems are settled *though I totally hv no idea how it would be settled* and I'm ready to talk about it without feeling any pain or uncomfortable feelings.

Looking at d current situation, I bet it would take up to 5 years to be settled, once and for all. As for now, I guess I can only pray and hope 4 d best. As far as this 'lonely feeling' is concerned , I just hv to live with it...=(

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tindakan Bodoh!

~Sunday, 2 August 2009~

Yesterday was very tiring. I woke up at 4 am, perform my Isya' prayer *hehe* n dgn 'bona fide'nya switch on pc utk print lesson plan kajang trip. Pstu tetiba br perasan e-mail lesson plan yg Im anta format '.wps', mmg xleh buka guna normal xp (baik 2003 maupun 2007). So, ak berusaha la mencari software utk buka gk file tu..n at d same time buka FB..cm biasa la bile bka FB..msti la lalai nyer..dlm kul 5.30 cmtu ak br trgerak hati nk tgk satu lg file yg Im anta..rupe2 nya dat goddamn lesson plan yg dh di'convert' jd format '.doc' ad dlm another file tu..hoho..my own folly dat cost me almost 2 hours of sleep! Lps print sume..dh pukul 6..mmg xsmpt la nk qada' tidur as abah nk anta kul 7.00 pg...

Dat one thing..then ktorg g la Kajang Prison, conduct lesson, etc..g lunch kt Satay Haji Samuri...n naik kereta Fina utk balik UM *hehe..actually..di sini la kisah ak nk bermula..*

Ktorg tersekat dlm traffic jam selama hampir 1 jam! B4 dat mmg Cik Su ad warning pn kata yg nk balik UM mmg jam but we dun expect it to be dat terrible! Waktu tu mmg ak dh xbrp sedap hati coz dgr citer ari ni ad Demonstrasi utk Mansuhkan ISA..pg td mmg ad 2-3 roadblock dh pn..kt dpn Istana Negara ad FRU sume..tp ak sedapkn hati..xde ap kot..so dlm kul 2 cmtu smpi la kt UM..Fina anta ak n Dell kt Stsn U coz Dell nk g jumpe mama die n ak nk blk umah..*kredit Fina jap..thanks Fina tumpangkan kitorg g Kajang Prison!*

Nk dijadikan citer la..nasib ak mmg sgt malang aritu..Putra LRT x berhenti kt Stsn Masjid Jamek sbb Stsn Masjid Jamek ditutup due to that stupid demonstration..d tren trus berhenti kt Stsn Dang Wangi n ak turun la kt stsn tu *ms tu ak cume pkir..if i were to be stranded, it better be here sbb stsn tu ad air cond..=)* Hoho..then terpkir lak yg dkt2 dgn Stsn Dang Wangi ad Monorel..so ak menapak la g Monorel..*xla jauh mana..tp kalo kire penat balik dr kajang + bangun xtra awal pg tu..agk memenatkn gk la..* Ak naik Monorel smpi Stsn Hang Tuah b4 amik LRT Star smpi umah..

Hehe..thought my story is over? Not quite yet! Ak smpi umah dlm kul 3 lebey cmtu...g solat Zohor sume..n then tetibe abah dpt call dr Kajang kata Pah "bernafas lain macam.." Guess what we did? Of course kitorg 1 family g Kajang..abah dok tanya ak nk g ke x..msti la ak nk..buat nye tu kali terakhir ak jumpe pah xke terkilan kalo xg kn? Dlm kul 6 lebey br la ktorg balik dr Kajang..ok..now d story had ends..

The real issue starts here..so u can skip all d above paragraphs if u want..=)

Hoho..drpd cerita panjang td..sbnrnye ak nk komplen psl manusia2 x bertanggungjawab buat demonstrasi kt Dataran Merdeka n menyusahkan idup aku! *well..bkn la idup ak sorg, ak tau..tp nmpk cm 1Malaysia sgt lak kalo cerita psl ksshn sume org..hehe..so ak citer ksshn ak je la ek..* Bayangkan kalo demonstrasi tu xde..ktorg akn smpi kt UM myb dlm 1.30 cmtu..n kalo LRT xkne detour g Dang Wangi dlm 2 lebey cmtu ak dh smpi umah! Ntah smpt tdo jap b4 g Kajang agaknye..hoho..tp ni sume 'Kalaulah..' sbb bnde dh berlaku kn..

Yg ak xphm sgt nye ni..yg rmi2 g wt Demonstrasi suruh Mansuh ISA tu..brp org je yg sbnrnye pnh bc ISA tu? Diorg tau x d fact yg ISA tu jd xbaik sbb;

1. ISA against NJ *no right to be heard = against d 1st principle of NJ dat is audi alteram partem (right to be heard)* n HR *supposedly sbb against Art. 5 FC tp since decided cases kata x against Art. 5 since Art. 5 sdr kata 'save in accordance with law'..so I guess no strong argument there*

2. ISA gives too much power to Executive..which is not good due to d concept of separation of power yg separate kuasa betweeen executive, legislative n judiciary..bile executive amik alih kuasa court *as Min. of Home Affair leh bg direction utk tahan up to 2 years without trial* it is not so good as it will lead to abuse of power

...and maybe for many other reasons yg ak xtau..sbb dlm Consti n Admin ak bljr bbrp seksyen dlm ISA je..hehe..ok, jokes aside..diorg tau x sume ni? I doubt so..unless u hv legal background or u mmg mengkaji ISA u would not know all this..n now I ask u..kalo ad nyamuk dlm kelambu..kite kna bunuh nyamuk ke bakar kelambu? Msti bunuh nyamuk je kn..it is more wise..mcm tu jugak la dgn ISA..I believe it need not to be totally repealed..but it must be amended..a large part of it in fact..byk negara dh start buat Anti-Terrorist Law..tp knp lak ngr kite yg dh ad some sort of law yg blh dipanggil Anti-Terrorist Law nk take backward step? Nonsense!

Tu one thing la..1 lg..ap kbaikn wt demonstrasi? Ye, ak tau..Art 10 FC bg Freedom of Assembly etc. etc..tp mslhnye krjaan Msia xkn dgr ckp korg kalo korg stkt wt Demonstrasi2 ni..effect die predictable..krajaan akn slahkn pembangkang n gunakan Demonstrasi ni utk kpentingan politik diorg..bkn ak nk kt Pembangkang xterlibat ke, ap ke..tp ak nk tekankn kt cni yg Demonstrasi ni x bg kebaikn kpd sesiapa kecuali makhluk2 Tuhan yg gile ber'politik'ing je! Tlg la celik, wahai rakyat Malaysia...tlg la jgn jd 'tool' permainan politik kotor ni..from d last General Election korg tau kn yg kuasa sbnrnye kt tangan kite..if u want changes..yes, u can fight for changes..but through d right channel la..demonstration might work in some countries, but in Malaysia, I dun see its effectiveness yet..

Akhir kata, jgn la wt demonstrasi jalanan lg..menyusahkn manusia2 xbrslh cm kami ni je..=)

P/S: Due to ap yg brlaku ari Sabtu..ari Ahad ak rs nk demam..Isnin terus demam teruk costing me a whole week of class..mybe d kepenatan on Saturday just a contributing factor coz weather+musim demam+H1N1+overwork not enough rest+mcm2 lg = tunggu masa je nk reach limit..hehe..

Disclaimer: Ak xla cemerlang sgt Admin n Consti so argument ak psl ISA might be inaccurate..so kalo korg prsn mn2 part yg inaccurate, gtau la ek..hehe..