
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's Time For Africa! :)

Hello! Haha..as usual..ak bukan la org yg plg rajin atas muke bumi ni utk meng'update' blog..but memandangkan skrg ni tgh demam Piala Dunia (final 12th July! :p) thought it would be nice to write a bit about it..haha..since 2002..ak start layan bola..tp ms Piala Dunia je la..Euro ke..EPL ke..ak xlyn sgt..still remember first time tgk Miroslav Klose..I had a major crush on him wktu tu! LOL..ye ar..ms tu die mude belia lg..mmg sgt2 hot..siap cr gmbr die dlm intrnt lg! Haha..

8 thn dh berlalu...Klose pn dh 32 thn skrg..still as cute as ever..tp skrg ak dh ad crush br! Haha..pemain Argentina..Gonzalo Higuain *betul ke ak eja nama die ni* ! Haha...first time perasan die ms die lawan team South Korea ms 1st round aritu..oh, lupe nk ckp..my most fav team...msti la..

Red Devils! Haha..bygkn..tgh emo2 sbb Korea kena belasah 4-1 dgn Argentina..sempat lg usha.."ensem gk pemain no 9 Argentina ni.." Haha..itulah one of d things i love about WC..time nk usha pemain bola ensem! Hahaha..sbb South Africa n Malaysia beza 5 jam..ak xde ar tgk byk sgt game pn..d only team yg ak lyn dr awal perjuangan diorg smpi ar diorg tersingkir kt 2nd round cume team South Korea je..team2 len kalo ak rs cm best ak tgk la..kalo cm bosan ak xtgk pn..haha...

Esk semifinal antara Jerman n Spain..xpsti lg nk root for which team..ikut hati rs cm nk Jerman menang..tp tkt nk sokong Jerman, tkt diorg kalah! Haha..sbb aritu ms Jerman vs Argentina..ak sokong Argentina..n Argentina kalah teruk..haha..so..to be safe biar la ak sokong dua2 team..haha..xpnh tgk Spain main sblm ni so xtau diorg bgs ke x..dgr kate Defender diorg bgs..btul ke? Xpe2..nnt kalo ak rajin ak tgk game Spain vs Jerman n judge it myself..

Ok la..rsnye tu je la citer psl Piala Dunia yg ak nk conteng dlm blog ni..i know..i know..ap yg ak tulis xde kaitan sgt pn dgn Piala Dunia..more about 'pemain ensem yg main dlm Piala Dunia'..haha..kalo ak komen lebey2 psl cara permainan team2 yg bertanding..nnt ad org kate ak cm 'tin kosong'..bising tp xde isi..i'll be d first to admit yg ak don't know much psl bola..sbb ak bukan peminat setia sukan bola..hehe..tp rsnye sume org ad hak nk bercakap kn? Betul or salah pendapat org tu xpenting..so ak cm xphm bile ad sstgh org rs annoyed sbb org yg dianggap 'xtau apa2 psl bola' start giving their opinion about d game..i mean, it's their right of speech kn? N u also hv a right of choice..kalo rs org tu ckp mengarut..jgn dengar! Habis citer...:p

Haha..ape2 pun..rs2nye xpyh la ak nk share opinion ak psl team2 yg bertanding kt WC kali ni..biar la ak simpan pendapat tu sendiri..wpun bits of it dh pn di'reveal' kt FB! Haha..hwaiting to both Spain n Germany..may d best team win! :) Annyeong! <3

1 comment:

  1. ak pon xd r tgk bola sgt..since it's holiday and hisham tengok, ak pon bantai tgk..
    Argentina is my fav team..my heroes..i love them all
    1.Diego Maradona is the coach and i hope he will continue to coach my boys..lol
    2. Lionel Andres Messi..he's cute, a very skilled player..(look at the way he dribbled the ball..he managed to lepas 5 opponent players around him! how cool is that!)..die ngaku die dari keluargayg xsenang and he palyed for his family..damn touching!!!! btw, birthday die 24/06/1987..so, die tue setahun je dr kt..hahaha
    3. Argentina is a very strong team..all of them played their butts off throughout the games..(clap clap clap => )Guttierez, Romero, Tevez, Higuain of course and others were awesome.
    4. bak kate ak dlm FB, FIFA ni cm beauty pageant..i love joachim loew..he's an old hot man!!!! rs nk cium je..hahahaha..ramai lagi ak nk peluk cium..Torres, Diego Beniglio, Christiano ronaldo, Van persie..lol( angan-angan adalah free..ni mak ak kata la)

    5. final FIFA on the very first day of class..wow..da final year..tgk r team mn menang..kalo spain, jom pakai merah....tapi kalo holland, moh pakai orenje..lol..xd r..
