
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nak wat wishlist jugak! Hahahaha..:p -Updated Nov 2010-

Ini sume psl jeles tgk Mas wt wishlist kt blog die..hehehe..ak nk wt wishlist jugak la..:p Hehe..bukan nk demand hadiah mahal2 dr org..juz as a gentle reminder as to benda yg ak teringin tp xdpt lg..kalo dh dpt leh edit! Haha..sambil2 tu kalo thn dpn member cm blur2 xtau nk bg ape leh tgk wishlist ni sbg panduan, ye x? :p

Electronic Gadgets

1. Handphone 3D..*tgh tunggu kuar kt psrn Malaysia je..kalo affordable mmg ak bli..:p*
2. Karaoke Machine..*hehe..xyh g RedBox kalo ad mesin karok kt umah..*
3. Laptop Vaio kaler shocking pink *ni mmg aim nk beli bile start keje nnt..cute kan baju black n white ngan laptop pink..;p*
4. External hard disk 1 TB or more *tgh tunggu yg portable (2.5") n murah kuar..hehe..*

Affordable but Significant

1. Novel Mini Shopaholic
2. Novel The Secret Shoppers Unwrapped
*last time I checked harga die mahal..RM60+ tp hopefully by next year harge die dh turun..haha..*
3. Adam Couple DVD *really wish MBC akan kuarkan DVD ni..I'll sure buy one! :)*
4. Sport shoes wedges *Bile la nk jual kt Msia ni? LOL*

Hoho..rs gembira bile wt list cmni..byk rupenye bende yg ak nak..:p So, sugar daddy sugar daddy ku skalian..leh la start belikan brg2 di atas yea...:p


  1. ahaha.....
    tirukah??? =P
    i-Pad,WII n Nodame tu pun mas teringin nk de gk....hehehe....
    sugar daddy???
    ahah! scandal! =P

  2. Hehe..iPad kne tunggu duit byk dulu..
    Wii..dlm proses pujuk..kalo dpt best tu! Hehe..
    Nodame..ak nk tunggu Taiwan or HK Version sbb tgk kt YesAsia cume ad Jap version je..Jap version xde eng sub..
    xmau ar sugar daddy..tmbh burden je..kalo sugar daddy mude n handsome xpe..haha..

  3. weyh, yg ko da crossed tu maksudnye ko dpt da la?
    mantap seh ko mujuk uncle zulkifli nih..
    ni mona

  4. Haha..mona..btul la 2..yg dh crossed tu dh dpt..hehe..wpun 2-2 tu shared property bkn personal property..tp dpt bende yg ak nk tanpa kuarkan 1 sen pn mmg menyeronokkan..hehe..
    p/s: kitorg adik-beradik mmg ad excellent persuasion skill..hehe..
