
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nak wat wishlist jugak! Hahahaha..:p -Updated Nov 2010-

Ini sume psl jeles tgk Mas wt wishlist kt blog die..hehehe..ak nk wt wishlist jugak la..:p Hehe..bukan nk demand hadiah mahal2 dr org..juz as a gentle reminder as to benda yg ak teringin tp xdpt lg..kalo dh dpt leh edit! Haha..sambil2 tu kalo thn dpn member cm blur2 xtau nk bg ape leh tgk wishlist ni sbg panduan, ye x? :p

Electronic Gadgets

1. Handphone 3D..*tgh tunggu kuar kt psrn Malaysia je..kalo affordable mmg ak bli..:p*
2. Karaoke Machine..*hehe..xyh g RedBox kalo ad mesin karok kt umah..*
3. Laptop Vaio kaler shocking pink *ni mmg aim nk beli bile start keje nnt..cute kan baju black n white ngan laptop pink..;p*
4. External hard disk 1 TB or more *tgh tunggu yg portable (2.5") n murah kuar..hehe..*

Affordable but Significant

1. Novel Mini Shopaholic
2. Novel The Secret Shoppers Unwrapped
*last time I checked harga die mahal..RM60+ tp hopefully by next year harge die dh turun..haha..*
3. Adam Couple DVD *really wish MBC akan kuarkan DVD ni..I'll sure buy one! :)*
4. Sport shoes wedges *Bile la nk jual kt Msia ni? LOL*

Hoho..rs gembira bile wt list cmni..byk rupenye bende yg ak nak..:p So, sugar daddy sugar daddy ku skalian..leh la start belikan brg2 di atas yea...:p

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What has I got myself into?

Was reading a novel when one sentence caught my eyes...
"That is why you're paying a lawyer, to do the worrying for you"
Is that what I'm going to do, for the next 30 years ++ of my life? Getting paid to worry about other people's life?
As if my own life is 'perfect' as it is...:(
What has I got myself into? 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I've Fallen In Love!

...with a new shoes, of course! :)

This morning..as I have nothing to do *correction..I have a lot of things to do BUT doesn't feel like doing anything..:p* I happened to be blogwalking into one of my old secondary school's friend blog. She put a pic of her new heels inside her blog...along with the link to the blog where she bought it!

Out of curiosity, I clicked the link Kiss & Tell and start browsing the blog, especially when I found out that the blog sold shoes bought from South Korea. If u read the post on my wishlist..I'm looking for wedges sport shoes *just like the ones that Vic of f(x) and BEG's Gain wore in WGM* which I believe is sold in Korea. I can't find what I'm looking for, apparently, but something else caught my eyes.

I-geo shinbal jeongmal yeppeuda! (이거신발정말예쁘다!) Seriously, I fell in love at first glance with this Beauty..the price is quite reasonable too..RM150..now I just wish I have the money...:(

Buying shoes online..I have 2 concerns:

1. The material..as I did not hv the chance to try the shoes myself..I'm unable to determine whether the booties are comfy or not. Though through past experiences, I still buy shoes which are not comfy..coz as I understand it, shoes belongs to 2 categories; the comfy ones are usually of 'un'flattery designs...*though I must admit brands like Hush Puppies and Scholl have started to design pretty comfy shoes* and the pretty ones usually hurts your legs like hell! If I have to choose between looks and comfy..I go for looks...:) 

2. The sizing. This is a very serious problem. My legs are too big for my own good! *if it is coupled with excellent height, I wouldn't mind much. But the thing is I'm not even tall!* I saw on the website that the biggest size would be 39 while my shoes size usually varies between 39-41. That's why I'm quite skeptical about buying shoes online. I don't want to spend money on things which I could not even wear.

I think I'll try to find the shoes when we go to Korea this December first. If I failed to find them, then I'll consider buying them through the blogspot. Hopefully it'll fit.

Till then, annyeong! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kenangan Ramadhan..

Minggu ni dh start cuti mid sem..ari Jumaat ni insya-Allah Syawal akan menjelma..n in next 2 weeks cuma tinggal 6 minggu jer lagi sem 1 sesi 2010/2011! Rs cm sedey plak memikirkan xlame lg nk grad *insya-Allah..provided lulus sume paper la..hehehe..* pastu kene masuk alam pekerjaan..oh tidak! Malas nk bangun pagi2..cuti cume sabtu n ahad..n 20 hari je cuti rehat setahun! Oh damn..Ikut hati yg mls ni rase cm nk trs sambung Masters je..tp kalo nk berangan amik Masters kt negara 4 musim kene keje la dulu..=( Ok..ak dh start melalut..hoho..

Ak sbnrnye nk cerita psl kenangan Ramadhan terakhir ngan member2 UM ak..kitorg kn dh final year..so, ni la Ramadhan kitorg same2 yg terakhir..mmg nostalgik giler ar Ramadhan kali ni..bukak poser 1st Ramadhan kt UM kot! Tu yg xbleh blah tu..thanx to Prof G..kali terakhir ak poser kt UM buat sejarah bukak poser 1st Ramadhan kt kafe Law Fac UM..hohoho..

Then..as usual..tiap2 tahun kitorg akan bukak poser same2 kt luar..tahun ni cm cipta sejarah baru gak sbb bukak poser kt luar sama2 dua kali! Hehe..nk wat camne..jadual masing2 dh xsame..citernye sbnrnye gini..mula2 kitorg rancang nk bukak poser ari Khamis..sbb ari tu lec Drafting batal..so from 2pm onwards mmg sume org free..tp Mona plak xnk g..sbb die xmau tunggu smpi petang..sbb byk mase kosong kn..n ari Khamis tu Hajar pn xleh join sbb die ad hal lain..so ktorg wt plan B la..rancang nk kuar Isnin dpn tu pulak..tanye Hajar..die kt die free ari Isnin tu..so fine la..TAPI it turns out..ari Khamis tu ktorg wt discussion Advo lps kul 2 tu..n in d end ktorg kuar jugak same2 ptg Khamis tu! haha..ni la yg org sll kate we propose Allah oppose ni..hehe..len dirancang len plak yg jd..so ari tu ak, Mona, Nadia, Wani n Mas kuar la bukak poser same2 kt Atap Atap, Amcorp Mall..

N sbb dh janji ngan Hajar..isnin tu ktorg kuar lg bukak poser..dis time kt Oasis Food Court, Mid Valley..ak, Mas, Mona, Wani n Hajar (Nadia xde)..hehe..ari tu srnk giler wt photoshoot..biase la Mid tiap2 tahun ad Raya Decoration kn..tahun ni cm style rumah kampung plak..puas la kitorg panjat umah tu tngkp gmbr..hehe..try ar tgk gmbr kt FB ak..mmg byk giler gmbr la..lg2 ari tu kitorg kuar dgn 'photographer xrasmi' kn..haha..

To korg *you know who you are..:p*..kalo korg bc post ni..thanx for making my Ramadhan tahun ni a memorable one! :) Hope we'll make lots and lots of wonderful memories 4 dis remaining 1 sem n 6 weeks ni...:)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's Time For Africa! :)

Hello! Haha..as usual..ak bukan la org yg plg rajin atas muke bumi ni utk meng'update' blog..but memandangkan skrg ni tgh demam Piala Dunia (final 12th July! :p) thought it would be nice to write a bit about it..haha..since 2002..ak start layan bola..tp ms Piala Dunia je la..Euro ke..EPL ke..ak xlyn sgt..still remember first time tgk Miroslav Klose..I had a major crush on him wktu tu! LOL..ye ar..ms tu die mude belia lg..mmg sgt2 hot..siap cr gmbr die dlm intrnt lg! Haha..

8 thn dh berlalu...Klose pn dh 32 thn skrg..still as cute as ever..tp skrg ak dh ad crush br! Haha..pemain Argentina..Gonzalo Higuain *betul ke ak eja nama die ni* ! Haha...first time perasan die ms die lawan team South Korea ms 1st round aritu..oh, lupe nk ckp..my most fav team...msti la..

Red Devils! Haha..bygkn..tgh emo2 sbb Korea kena belasah 4-1 dgn Argentina..sempat lg usha.."ensem gk pemain no 9 Argentina ni.." Haha..itulah one of d things i love about WC..time nk usha pemain bola ensem! Hahaha..sbb South Africa n Malaysia beza 5 jam..ak xde ar tgk byk sgt game pn..d only team yg ak lyn dr awal perjuangan diorg smpi ar diorg tersingkir kt 2nd round cume team South Korea je..team2 len kalo ak rs cm best ak tgk la..kalo cm bosan ak xtgk pn..haha...

Esk semifinal antara Jerman n Spain..xpsti lg nk root for which team..ikut hati rs cm nk Jerman menang..tp tkt nk sokong Jerman, tkt diorg kalah! Haha..sbb aritu ms Jerman vs Argentina..ak sokong Argentina..n Argentina kalah teruk..haha..so..to be safe biar la ak sokong dua2 team..haha..xpnh tgk Spain main sblm ni so xtau diorg bgs ke x..dgr kate Defender diorg bgs..btul ke? Xpe2..nnt kalo ak rajin ak tgk game Spain vs Jerman n judge it myself..

Ok la..rsnye tu je la citer psl Piala Dunia yg ak nk conteng dlm blog ni..i know..i know..ap yg ak tulis xde kaitan sgt pn dgn Piala Dunia..more about 'pemain ensem yg main dlm Piala Dunia'..haha..kalo ak komen lebey2 psl cara permainan team2 yg bertanding..nnt ad org kate ak cm 'tin kosong'..bising tp xde isi..i'll be d first to admit yg ak don't know much psl bola..sbb ak bukan peminat setia sukan bola..hehe..tp rsnye sume org ad hak nk bercakap kn? Betul or salah pendapat org tu xpenting..so ak cm xphm bile ad sstgh org rs annoyed sbb org yg dianggap 'xtau apa2 psl bola' start giving their opinion about d game..i mean, it's their right of speech kn? N u also hv a right of choice..kalo rs org tu ckp mengarut..jgn dengar! Habis citer...:p

Haha..ape2 pun..rs2nye xpyh la ak nk share opinion ak psl team2 yg bertanding kt WC kali ni..biar la ak simpan pendapat tu sendiri..wpun bits of it dh pn di'reveal' kt FB! Haha..hwaiting to both Spain n Germany..may d best team win! :) Annyeong! <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Attachment Mode

Sejak Isnin lepas lagi (17 Mei 2010) ak dh start attachment  3 minggu kt Jabatan Bantuan Guaman Cawangan Wilayah Persekutuan. Wktu mula2 nak g JBG mmg nervous giler..sbb ak sorg je bdk UM yg attachment kt ctu..Kuen Her n Min How pn attachment kt JBG KL jugak tapi diorg cume akan masuk bile ak dh abis kt JBG n g balai polis plak nnt (IPD Cheras lg ngeri tp that's besides the point). Cm rs nk muntah pn ad ms hari 1st tu..hehe..

Rupe2nya turns out ramai gile bdk uni len yg attachment kt ctu..cmpur ak ad 10 org la..7 bdk UIA n 2 bdk UKM..so ak cm rs lega skit ar..sbb kalo ak sorg je yg attachment kt ctu 'haru' jugak..ak ni bkn la se'friendly' mn n let me just say that mingling with unnies n ahjummas is really not that easy for me as it is for some other ppl cm kngah..sejak ak skolah rendah, skolah menengah smpi la universiti..ak nyer circle of friends are usually ppl around my age je..i know..i know..it's not good for the purpose of networking..tp dh i am dis kind of person..bknnye sng nk ubah sikap..:)

But i suppose i am a lil' bit unlucky..sbb skrg ni pegawai sivil tgh exam PTK..so there's not much to do..ak even xde supervisor pn lg..which makes me a lil' bit worried..sbb borang2 CITRA tu kne anta after 1st week..tp my forms blm disain lg..hurm..JBG ni skop die xberapa luas...one thing for sure diorg byk uruskan kes2 cerai..which is where the LRA comes in handy..kes criminal JBG cume handle accused yg dh plead guilty n nk mitigate sentence je..so d gory n exciting details tu not there..hehe..

1 minggu dh berlalu..tinggal 2 minggu je lg nk endure b4 ak g IPD Cheras plak..wish me luck! =p

Friday, January 22, 2010

My many many trips 2009/2010


It feels like forever since i last updated my blog..'ve been planning to update but like everything in my life, i always procrastinate..=p

Last week..(13-16 Jan 2010) my family and I went to Hangzhou and Shanghai, China. It's a nice place *any place in d world is nice as long as we go there during winter time..=p* The weather is great *really cold, actually..but i always loved winter..i like d feeling of feeling warm under d protection of heavy winter clothing n believe it or not..i kinda like putting on 2-3 layers of clothes before going out..=)*

D highlight of the trip? It's the TV Tower! It is one of the highest tower in d world..n inside the tv tower there is this one level where the floor is made of glass..so it is see-through..you can see d view underneath d glass..and it suppose to make u feel like you're floating in d air..*but apparently i dun feel like i was floating as d glass is a lil' bit dusty..so d view underneath it is not exactly crystal clear..=)*

Our tourist guide is also a hottie! A married hottie..unfortunately..=( But seriously, he's kinda cute..my sis said he looks like Kim Junho (TVXQ's Kim Junsu's twin brother) n i admit he kinda looks like Junho at first glance..=p This trip is kinda weird as we had 2 tourist guides (one in Hangzhou n one in Shanghai) n it kinda cause some prob in d end when it is time to pay d tips..but whatever! We had a really great time there.

Mom said it would be her last trip to China as she had visited China many times. She had been to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Me too..except Beijing. So maybe i'll come to China once more as I really want to see the Great Wall of China..anyone care to join me? =p

Last December, I went to Hanoi and Vinh, Vietnam on a trip sponsored by Bridges Across Borders SEA (BABSEA). This trip was a new experience for me. It was d first time I had gone oversea alone and I kinda like it. Maybe because I wasn't in Vietnam for a holiday but for a workshop, and it made me felt closer to d locals as it was Vietnam National University students who had been accompanying and taking care of us during our 7 days there. Their hospitality was superb! =)

Comparing d hospitality of the Vietnamese and d Singaporeans *I went to Singapore on a study trip shortly after I returned from Vietnam*, I kinda like the Vietnamese better. Not to say that the Singaporeans did badly, I had a great time there too. Some of them even deeply moved me, and I would like to thank them, nevertheless. Maybe it was because of the fact that in Vietnam, it was only 7 of us (Malaysia and Laos) so they were able to take a good care of us, to tend to our needs. Meanwhile, in Singapore it was 16 of us plus d Japanese *not quite sure how much were they* so d hosts in Singapore didn't had time and d manpower to take good care of us, unlike Vietnam. Having said that, I enjoy both my trips to Vietnam and Singapore *one of d Japanese guys looks like SHINee's Key and he spoke superb American accent English! I kinda had a crush on him during the trip..=p* and I really hope I would get another chance to join something like this again in d future.

Want to see pictures? Visit my FB! Hehe..till then, sayonara! =)