
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Stand

Ok! Before you accuse me of being pro-opposition or anything, let me make myself clear. I've said this before and i'll said it again that I never believe that demonstration *or assembly...or whatever you want to call it* would solve any problem. Just see what happened to Egypt, Tunisia or Libya. Protesting against their government had caused them to lose their lives, made them lived in fear and give UN a reason to 'legalise' using armed force to stop the protest in Libya *I don't agree that we should use international armed forces to settle a national crisis...sovereignty of states anyone? But I won't go into that...* 

I'm sure you know what I'm getting at, don't you? Yes, I don't agree with BERSIH 2.0 that is scheduled to happen tomorrow, 9th July 2011. I agree with most of their 8 demands in the memorandum for a fair election, yes, but as I had repeated many times before, I never believe demonstration will get the message through. It will only caused inconvenience and dissatisfaction among the rakyats who wants to get on with their daily weekend routine.

But no, today I'm not going to talk about how dissatisfied I am with Bersih 2.0. I don't agree with the assembly, that's my personal opinion, but I also realised that we hv a right of association guaranteed by Art. 10 of FC. Simply put, I don't hv to join the assembly if I don't want to, but I hv no right to prevent other ppl from attending the assembly. It's their right as a citizen of Malaysia guaranteed by the supreme Law of the Land, the Federal Constitution.

Thus, the actions of the government in trying to prevent the assembly from being held is shocking, to say the very least. It makes me feel embarrassed being a Malaysian. I know in fact that Malaysia did not have an 'A' record when it comes to protection of Human Rights *hell we still adopt the doctrine of incorporation in accepting Treaties and Conventions instead of adopting doctrine of transformation PLUS we did not signed the Statute of Rome, which simply mean that our State is not subject to the jurisdiction of ICC and that is scary, indeed* but I'm sure this radical actions taken by the government would only caused us to plummet even lower in the eyes of the world when it comes to protection of human rights.

Doing roadblocks days before the assembly, arresting ppl wearing Yellow shirts *Yellow is the official colour of Bersih*, closing all roads heading to KL tomorrow, banning 91 ppl *which most of them are Bersih leaders* from entering KL tomorrow, threatening to declare Emergency, arrest ppl under Emergency Ordinance, ISA? Seriously?  It seems like our government is desperate and is willing to do anything to stop the assembly from happening. But the big question is WHY? Why are the government so afraid of the assembly if they did not do anything wrong? The demands are reasonable, IMO. It is a call for a fair and transparent election, for God sake. Isn't the more reasonable step to be taken is to allow the assembly to be held , while the police will be on standby AND they will ONLY arrest ppl who creates trouble during the assembly. No need to treat this assembly like it is a threat to national security! *What's the definition of national security anyway? It is not defined anywhere in the ISA nor it is defined in the Sedition Act. Don't tell me that 'national security' is defined by the government in power according to their whims and fancies...*  

I'm pretty sure the gov will win some brownies points from the rakyats if only they support Bersih 2.0. However, as things stand, they don't. And as usual, Bersih 2.0 will be the scapegoats if anything bad occurred tomorrow. They will be criticised, bashed and blamed even though if we look at a neutral point it is not Bersih organisers who decides to close roads or to have roadblocks! I just dearly hope nothing bad will happen tomorrow. I especially loathe bloodshed and I pray that no one will be hurt tomorrow let it be the assembly participants or the authorities *or the anti-bersih groups, for that matter*. Do remember that each and everyone of you have your loved ones waiting anxiously at home so pls, pls don't do anything rash and stupid. May Allah bless you.

p/s: As for me, I'll stay at home watching Korean dramas! Not that I'm adhering to the gov's call not to join the assembly. It's just that I hate crowds - except if it is Korean Artists concert...:p - and being stuck in car/sandwiched in public transports is a very uncool way to spend my weekend...:)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

European Escapade V

Day 14 - Paris

-Welcome to Disneyland! Arini g Disneyland...ktorg beli tic utk 2-2 parks i.e. Walt Disney Studio n Disneyland Parc.
-Smpi kt Disneyland dlm kul 10 lebey. Kitorg msk Walt Disney Studio dlu...heading straight to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror...haha..d line here is very long despite d fact that today is a Thursday...permainan Tower of Terror ni cm Spaceshot Genting skit...die naik tinggi2 pstu dia jatuh...byk kali pulak tu...geli perut kot! 

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

-Pastu kitorg naik Studio Tram Tour : Behind the Magic. Tram ni bwk kitorg mlwt set2 penggambaran n props utk film2 cm Pearl Harbour, Dinotopia, etc. Kitorg jugak dibawa ke Catastrophe Canyon....ad cm kebakaran kt ctu...pstu ad air byk gile melimpah dr canyon tu cm nk langgar tram kitorg...menarik! Hehe...kitorg tgk wardrobe jugak...

Catastrophe Canyon

-Next ride - Crush's Coaster. Ride ni diinspire dr movie Finding Nemo...d line is long...45 mins waiting time! Tp berbaloi la sbb ride ni comel...kite naik turtle shell yg laju giler...
-Last attraction yg kitorg msk b4 tinggalkan Walt Disney studio is Armageddon Effet Speciaux...kite naik Russian Ship pstu konon2 Russian Ship tu kne serang dgn asteroid...ala2 cter Armageddon la..

-Kitorg bergegas msk ke Disneyland Parc pas lunch sbb Disneyland tutup pukul 7...n it's already 2.30! First ride, Buzzlight Year! Haha...kitorg amik Fastpass utk Space Mountain Mission II pstu queue utk msk Buzzlight Year
-Fastpass Space Mountain requires us to return between 3.20-3.50...kitorg smpi kt Fastpass lane tepat pkul 3.45! hehe..ad mat2 n minah2 salleh annoying dok pndg2 kitorg...mcm la kitorg ni potong queue...tp mls la nk lyn org bodoh cmtu...ikut suke die la...
-Space Mountain ride die literally torturing! Kepala asyik kne safety belt tu je...laju nk mampus pulak tu...kirenye ni la ride plg extreme kt Disneyland Paris ni...n yg plg mhl, mak naik! Hehe...spjg naik ride tu mak asyik istighfar je...:)

Space Mountain Mission II

-Pstu kitorg g Adventureland naik Indiana Jones...permainan ni laju, ad loop sume...tp best! Cume skjp sgt...niatnye nk g Frontierland naik Thunder Mountain after that ...tp ad perarakan kereta berhias plak time tu...so kitorg melencong msk Fantasyland...haha...
-Naik permainan kanak2 Pinnochio...:p Reminisce citer Pinnochio yg pnh bc ms kecik2 dlu...nana, kngah, adik n abah naik Cinderella Carousel...hehe...
-Final ride? It's a Small World! Hehe..comel je tgk patung kecik2 dok nyanyi 'it's a small world after all....' 
-Shopping souvenir kecik2 kt Disneyland...mahal...tp dh kt Disneyland kan...mst la nk beli souvenir jugak...dlm kul 7 lebey kuar Disneyland...sumer dh keletihan time tu...esk nk g City of Light, Paris!

Day 15 - Paris

-Arini jln2 sekitar bdr Paris...lalu Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe...tp xberhenti pn...lalu je..

Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe ni kedudukannya di tgh2 roundabout yg ad 12 exits! Bygkn...sllnye ad 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock turn je kt roundabout...kt cni mybe ad 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock turn jugak la kot... 

-Singgah kt Avenue des Champ Elysees...shopping kt kedai Louis Vuitton! Hehe..borong 3 beg...nk dkt RM10000 kot...

My very first original LV! :)

-2nd stop...Fragonard Musee Parfeum...kedai perfume yg popular kt France ni...d very pretty tour guide inside d museum ad citer psl perfume...tp xdgr pn...shopping lg...hehe..
-G area Pompeiidu utk lunch...lalu Palais Royal Musee de Louvre...rs teruja tgk piramid dpn Louvre Museum tu...tp xberhenti pn...sbb xde masa...pas lunch jln2 kt area tu...beli souvenir...
-Traffic kt central Paris ni teruk! Timing mmg lari la...bas xpnh smpi on time sbb stuck dlm jam...kalo nk dtg cni lg myb it wud be more convenient kalo naik public transport...
-Ikut plan asal nk singgah masjid tp sbb xde masa trs g Eiffel Tower...solat kt sna! Rs teruja tgk real Eiffel Tower dpn mata...hehe..tgkp gmbr kt ctu...buat vids...cm biasa la..org kt cni yg jual Eiffel Tower replica murh mamat2 Afrika..diorg letak replicas tu kt gelung besi pstu die pegi kejar pelanggan...mmg murah la die ltk...keychain 6 = €1...kalo beli kt dataran bwh Eiffel Tower tu mahal...

Me & Eiffel Tower!

-Naik cruise merentasi Seine River...lalu 20 jambatan...nmpk la interesting monuments around pParis...
-Dlm kul 9.30 bertolak tinggalkan Paris city...one thing for sure...i'll be back! Byk lg bnde xcover...nk msk Musee de Louvre...nk msk Arc de Triomphe...nk naik Eiffel Tower...Italy pn nk pegi lagi...nk pegi Naples plak kali ni...nk g tgk Pompeii...kalo Rome...nk g Trevi Fountain..Pantheon...hehe..

Day 16 - Paris-London

-2nd last day...arini tinggalkan bdr Paris n balik ke London...bertolak dlm kul 10 pg...pegi ke Calais n naik ferry SeaFrance menuju Port Dover di UK...dr Dover nk ke bdr London amik ms 2 jam...kitorg drop-off kt Malaysian Hall...

Kt atas ferry merentasi English Channel

-Tapau nasi goreng pattaya n mi goreng mamak kt Malaysian Hall utk dinner kt hotel...sedap! Hehe..mn x nya...lunch mkn fish n chip...share pulak tu! Harus la kelaparan ptg tu...
-Dr Malaysian Hall naik taxi buruk kaler itam g Wigmore Court hotel...kali ni dpt bilik best! Toilet die elevated...ak n kngah tido bilik lain...awal giler tido arini...ngantuk...

Teksi yg kitorg naik dr Malaysian Hall ke Wigmore Court Hotel. Comel kn teksi kt cni? :p

The Last Day 

-The last day! Can't wait to go home to sort out the souvenirs but at d same time feeling nostalgic already. I'm gonna miss Kelana Convoy. No wonder org yg pnh pergi KC ni nk pegi lagi. The experience is indeed lain drpd lain...
-Bertolak dari Wigmore Court Hotel kul 10 pg..abah sibuk ajak g Edgware Road...so, layan je la...
-It turns out Edgware Road tu byk kedai makan je! Haha...so, dlm kebasahan hujan 'shower' London tu...*yeah, they call it shower, not rain. And the rain in London does looks like shower. Drizzling je...bukan raining cats and dogs...* kitorg decide utk jalan kaki ke Malaysian Hall...sbb dgr kt blok blkg Malaysian Hall tu ad jual souvenir murah...area Queensway...Malaysian Hall kt Queensborough Terrace...
-Harga die boleh tahan la...byk pulak tu kedai souvenirs kt area Queensway tu...dpt la sweater, t-shirt, fridge magnet, key chain...hehe...srnk menghabiskn duit Pound Sterling...:p 
-Lunch kt Malaysian Hall n Zohor skali...lunch kari ikan kt London y'all! :)
-Utk balik ke Wigmore Court Hotel asal2nya nak naik taxi buruk smlm...tp taxi xnk berhenti! So, in d end jalan kaki jugak balik hotel
-Lepak2 kt hotel smpi teksi dtg, at 6 pm...teksi drop-off kitorg kt Terminal 4, Heathrow Airport...n we head home in flight MH001...
-It was a wonderful experience, this trip...as I learn lots of things I wouldn't hv learnt kalau gune travel agency biasa. Kalo gune travel agency biasa, xkn merasa basuh pinggan gune air yg sejuk mcm ais kt Switzerland...:p N we wouldn't hv roam around Rome using public transports as we had done with KC! The most valuable of all...dh pndi pasang khemah...haha...w/pun ak still xbrp pass part nk psg spike tu...:)
-I'll be back...that's for sure...xpuas lagi jalan2 kt Europe ni...especially Italy, Swiss, Austria and France...ad byk lg tmpt2 yg belum cover...but now I can proudly tell my friends that I've been to Europe! :)

p/s: I plan to tell a few things to ppl who are interested to join Kelana Convoy for their trip to Europe but I guess I'll do it in next post...:) 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

European Escapade IV

Day 10 - Rome-Pisa

-Bertolak pergi dr Rome ke Pisa...most of our times today were spent sleeping in the bus! :)
-Smpi kt campsite Pisa Torre Pendente dlm pukul 4 cmtu...arini tido cabin! Hehe..stkt ni, ni la cabin ter'best' antara cabin2 yg ktorg pnh tinggal spjg Conquest of Europe ni...with exception of Amsterdam maybe...toilet die cntk...ad fridge...ad kitchen kt luar bungalow tu (they call it bungalow...hehe)...siap ad cm verandah lg utk rehat2 kt dpn cabin tu..

Our Campsite Torre Pendente
Our 'bungalow' Cabin

-Dlm kul 5 kitorg g Piazza del Duomo...kt cni ad 3 bangunan...one of them is the famous leaning tower of Pisa! Leaning tower ni within walking distance je dr campsite...

No, it ain't heavy...:p

-Lps dh puas berposing tunggang-terbalik kt leaning tower of Pisa tu *believe me, ppl did weird things when they took pic with the leaning tower of Pisa...n that includes us...:p* kitorg beli la skit ole2..word of advice...jgn beli souvenir kt area la Piazza del Duomo tu...mahal gile! Vendor kt ctu berlagak pulak tu, skit discount pn die xbg...kalo nk beli better beli kt luar kwsn tu...lg murh!
-by d time balik campsite hujan start turun...dinner kt verandah dpn cabin! Hehe...esk nk g Switzerland!

Day 11 - Pisa-Interlaken

-No interesting thing happened today...harini d whole day was spent in the bus on the way to Switzerland...bile dh msk Switzerland permandangan mmg fascinating la...tasik kaler biru kehijauan...gunung-ganang esp yg diselaputi salji...it was beautiful...in fact rumah2 kt Switzerland ni pn cntk2 belaka...hehe...

Tasik kt Switzerland
Introducing...the Swiss Alps! :)
Comel kn rumah2 kt Switzerland ni? Feel like buying one...

-By d time smpi campsite Switzenbach...hari dh nk gelap...dinner dlm gelap...tp ms plg mencabar ialah bile nk basuh pinggan...air freezing kot! Numb sudah tgn2ku...mlm ni me n my 2 sis kne tido dorm...rmi2 dgn peserta2 lain...mak abah yayang n adik tdo cabin...esk mahu naik Jungfraujoch...:)
-Campsite kali ni cntk...dikelilingi gunung-ganang...ad air terjun sume...

Our campsite in Switzerland
We can see this waterfall from our campsite
Campsite. Ada a few brave souls yang camp kt cni...but most of us sleep in cabin or dorm...:)
Our campsite yang dikelilingi gunung-ganang

Day 12 - Interlaken

-Pegi Jungfraujoch! Jalan kaki dr campsite ke Lauterbrunnen train station utk naik tren ke Jungfraujoch...dr Lauterbrunnen kne tukar tren kt Kleine Scheidegg utk ke Jungraujoch...d view at Jungraujoch was breathtakingly beautiful! Mula2 kitorg msk Ice Palace (Palais de Glace) tgk ice sculptures...my personal fav was penguins! Many2 guins...hehe...lantai kt cni licin...cm kt ice skating rink...

Introducing my fav Guins! :)

-Pstu ktorg g Plateau-Ausgang...kt cni leh kuar utk men salji...pmndgn kt cni cntk...gunung-ganang putih mengelilingi kitorg...tp one advice...sila la bw cermin mata hitam...it was so damn silau u hv to squint your eyes all d time n u won't see any beautiful views kt Jungfraujoch kalo xnk bwk cermin mata hitam...as I bought mine, it was heaven! Hehe..
-Kitorg dpt tgk salji turun kt Jungfraujoch...hehe...it was a wonderful experience...finally we got to see snow falling from d sky after trying to find snow since 2008 (Turkiye)...hehe...our snow-finding expedition akhirnya membuahkan hasil, albeit it happen in summer instead of winter...hehe..mak kt snow die halus je...biasanya snow lg kasar...but at least we now know how snow looks like when they fall from d sky! Haha..

The views from Plateau-Ausgang

-Kitorg g Sphinx Terraces, d highest viewpoint kt Jungfraujoch ni...katanye leh nmpk Italy n Germany...but it was too cloudy...xnmpk ap pn! Nk naik Spinhx Terraces ni kne naik lif...men salji lg kt Spinhx Terraces...hehe...

The Sphinx Terraces

-Next agenda, cr glacier kt Aletsch Glacier...kt cni snow lg tebal...kitorg wt snow-fighting lg kt cni...mak siap baring atas snow punye nk posing kt snow...

My mum posing on the snow...:p

-Dlm kul 3.30 cmtu kitorg turun dr Jungfraujoch naik tren...smpi bwh dpt tau rupe2nye tgh hujan kt Switzerland...Alhamdulillah ptg tu br start turun hujan sbb kalo pg tu lg dh hujan, Jungfraujoch would be very foggy n we won't see what we were able to see thay day at Jungfraujoch...next destination, Paris!

Day 13 - Interlaken-Paris

-Bonjour! Harini kitorg ucapkan slmt tinggal kt Switzerland n bertolak ke France...bas 2 buat mslh lg..xleh bwk more than 50 km/h...prjlnn arini took 10 hrs...arini 1 hr dlm bas lg...
-Nothing interesting happen throughout our journey today...kt France campsite kitorg nama die Le Parc de Paris...dkt dgn Disneyland! Hehe..tdo dlm cabin besar yg muat 4-6 people...ak tdo kt living room..atas sofa bed...
-Dr cabin ke tmpt makan jauh! Aigoo...dh la prjlnn naik bukit...sejuk pulak tu kt France...igtkn France panas gile cm Italy...xde mknenye...

Our cabin which is far away from civilisation i.e. tmpt makan

European Escapade III

Day 7 - Venice

-We're going to Venice! Venice ni actually bandar yg kat atas pulau...Venice consist of beratus2 pulau...dr campsite kitorg Fusina...naik boat g pelabuhan Zattere...dr ctu jln lalu Ponte Accademia utk g ke bndr Venice
-Italy is so hot! Dh la ramai gler org...ktorg g Piazza San Marco...tgk Basilica di San Marco, a church dkt Piazza San Marco tu...ad gk tgkp gmbr Campanile...a tower that used to be a lighthouse..Campanile ni sbnrnye dh direbuilt...yg lama dh destroyed...

Basilica di San Marco
The Campanile

-Tgkp jugak gmbr Palazzo Duccale...an admin buiding yg ad maze of prison cells...xmsk pn..tp ad la tgkp gmbr kt Il Cielo Dei Sospiri (Bridges of Sigh)....ni la dunia luar terakhir yg prisoner akan tgk b4 diorg dibawak msk ke dlm prison...sbb tu kot name die Bridges pf Sigh...org nk msk penjara lalu kt bridge tu n sigh...haha..tour organiser ktorg kata Casanova pnh kne penjara kt ctu...

Palazzo Duccale
Bridges of Sigh. Not sure kt mn the prisoners ~sigh~, mybe kt tingkap yg ad lubang2 tu kot?

-Naik gondola! Hehe...srnk la...sbb Venice kn trknl dgn gondola ride merentasi Canal Grande (the Grand Canal)...tp route ktorg byk lalu blkg umah org...kt org yg kayuh gondola ktorg tu kt Venice ni umah (esp umah lama) ad 2 pintu...water door n ground door...tp water door org xgune dh skrg...org gune ground door je..pstu usually building lama kt Venice ni Ground Floor n First Floor je yg mmg bangunan lama...hundreds to thousands of year...yg tgkt2 atas die dh tmbh...
-Shopping! Hehe...beli Venetian Mask yg ala2 citer Gossip Girl...kt Venice ni ad 5 bnde kne buat;

1. Lace
Ada school of lace kt bndr Venice. Lace ni katanye hand-made...

2. Gondola

3. Murano Glass

 4. Venetian Mask 

5. Gelato
*No pics. Lupe nk amik. Sori..hehe..*

-Ktorg g tgk sume...tp xbeli Murano Glass...xjumpe yg murah...Gelato ni homemade ice-cream...rs die lain skit la drpd aiskrim biasa...xmanis sgt...Mak n kakngah as usual beli fridge magnet...ktorg tgk demonstration buat lace jugak...
-Kt Venice ada satu Art Gallery yg 'pelik'. Nama die Contini Galleria D'Arte. Lukisan die character cartoon heroes but in obscene and weird poses. Get what I mean? Maybe the pics below will help u understand...

-Lunch arini seafood pizza...Italiano pizza ni thin crust...rs die boleh tahan...lpr kot! Hehe..
-Jln2 kt Rialto...beli souvenir kt ctu...pstu dlm kul 5 lebey balik ke pelabuhan Zattere utk balik ke campsite Fusina...
-Tmpt ni laundry facilities die bagus! Agak mahal sbb wash 4 euro dry for 4 euro...tp most clothes leh trs lipat pas dry...so berbaloi2 la byr mhl skit tu...kt tmpt lain murah skit tp xberguna dryer die..
-Abis buat laundry dh lewat mlm...blk cabin tdo...

Day 8 - Venice-Florence-Rome

-Today we're going to Rome but we'll stop by kat Florence b4 teruskn prjlnn ke campsite di Rome...dr Fusina campsite ke Florence amik ms 3 jam....
-Singgah kt Piazza Michaelangelo...tgkp gmbr Statue of David n pmndgn kt Florence...nmpk Duomo n Ponte Vecchio...

St. David sexy y'all! :p
The one marked in red is the Duomo and the one marked  in black is Ponte Vecchio

-Pstu kitorg berjalan untuk ke bndr Florence (Firenze)...kt Florence ni bas xboleh masuk, kne parking kt luar bandar Florence. Kalo nk msk bandar Florence, either kne menapak or amik taxi. Kitorg menapak..jauh gler kot jln nk msk florence...lalu Uffizzi, Ponte Vecchio...Duomo xjumpe...hehe..

Ponte Vecchio ni dulu tmpt jual daging. Tp, lepas keluarga diraja bina Istana dekat2 dgn bridge ni diorang xbagi jual daging dh. So, jambatan ni skrg jual barang kemas...xsilap Ponte Vecchio ni in English 'the Golden Bridge'
-Shopping kt Florence...ad byk leather goods...pstu beli fridge magnet (as usual)...hehe..

-Mkn Gelato lagi! :p Limone (Lime) flavour...sedap la...
-Trskn prjlnn ke Rome...kem ktorg mlm ni Tiber Campsite...3 hours journey...kem mlm ni tepi sungai pulak...

Tiber Campsite. Kt blkg tu cabin kt campsite ni.

Day 9 - Rome

-Harini jln2 kt bdr Roma...nek tren buruk dr stesen Prima Porta smpi stesen Flaminio...pstu nek subway...1st destination...Vatican City...

One whole day ticket. 4 euro. With this tic boleh naik any public transport in Rome.
And this is Vatican City, the smallest State in the world.

-Pegi St. Peter square...beratur utk msk St. Peter Basilica...pjg giler barisan...dh la mat saleh giler suke potong barisan...cuaca pulak panas giler xde awan...:( 
-Kamera buat hal...yyg kata die sedey...trpksalah gune kamera abah yg cume 3.2 mp tu...aigoo...
-Pergi tgkp gmbr kt Castel d Santangelo b4 nek bas g Termini utk lunch..
-Dlm bas, kngah kt ad pencopet...xtau la ad org jd mngsa ke x...kt Rome ni penyeluk saku mmg ramai...kirenya cm established career la kt cni..
-Lunch mkn nasi briyani n ayam tandoori...best! Abah kt murh...
-Teruskn prjlnn naik subway g Colloseo...beli tiket €12 utk msk Colloseum, Palatino Hill n Roman Forum...rs cm xsgka dh jejakkan kaki kt Colloseum...sllnye tgk dlm tv je...best!

Combined tic utk msk Colloseum, Palatino Hill and Foro Romana
The famous Colloseum! :)
How it looks like inside the Colloseum
-Pnjt Palatino Hill...dpt tgk pmndgn Rome from bird eye's view...cntk!

-Jln2 kt Roman Forum (Foro Romana)...besar gile tmpt tu...smpi kitorg sesat ms nk cr jln keluar...kalo cuaca xpns sgt mst lg enjoy...

Foro Romana. Ruins drpd ancient government buildings. Ms zmn ancient Rome, Roman Forum ni political and religious centre.

-Akhirnye bile dh jumpe jln keluar, kitorg nek subway n tren buruk untuk balik ke campsite...
-Rs gembira sbb 2 bnde nk tgk kt Rome; Colloseum n Vatican city dh tercapai...wpun byk tmpt xg sbb penat...xlarat...nnt kalo dtg Italy skali lg leh g mlwt tmpt2 len pulak...
-Esk nk g tgk Leaning Tower of Pisa pulak...woohoo! :)