
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Thursday, June 23, 2011

European Escapade III

Day 7 - Venice

-We're going to Venice! Venice ni actually bandar yg kat atas pulau...Venice consist of beratus2 pulau...dr campsite kitorg Fusina...naik boat g pelabuhan Zattere...dr ctu jln lalu Ponte Accademia utk g ke bndr Venice
-Italy is so hot! Dh la ramai gler org...ktorg g Piazza San Marco...tgk Basilica di San Marco, a church dkt Piazza San Marco tu...ad gk tgkp gmbr Campanile...a tower that used to be a lighthouse..Campanile ni sbnrnye dh direbuilt...yg lama dh destroyed...

Basilica di San Marco
The Campanile

-Tgkp jugak gmbr Palazzo Duccale...an admin buiding yg ad maze of prison cells...xmsk pn..tp ad la tgkp gmbr kt Il Cielo Dei Sospiri (Bridges of Sigh)....ni la dunia luar terakhir yg prisoner akan tgk b4 diorg dibawak msk ke dlm prison...sbb tu kot name die Bridges pf Sigh...org nk msk penjara lalu kt bridge tu n sigh...haha..tour organiser ktorg kata Casanova pnh kne penjara kt ctu...

Palazzo Duccale
Bridges of Sigh. Not sure kt mn the prisoners ~sigh~, mybe kt tingkap yg ad lubang2 tu kot?

-Naik gondola! Hehe...srnk la...sbb Venice kn trknl dgn gondola ride merentasi Canal Grande (the Grand Canal)...tp route ktorg byk lalu blkg umah org...kt org yg kayuh gondola ktorg tu kt Venice ni umah (esp umah lama) ad 2 pintu...water door n ground door...tp water door org xgune dh skrg...org gune ground door je..pstu usually building lama kt Venice ni Ground Floor n First Floor je yg mmg bangunan lama...hundreds to thousands of year...yg tgkt2 atas die dh tmbh...
-Shopping! Hehe...beli Venetian Mask yg ala2 citer Gossip Girl...kt Venice ni ad 5 bnde kne buat;

1. Lace
Ada school of lace kt bndr Venice. Lace ni katanye hand-made...

2. Gondola

3. Murano Glass

 4. Venetian Mask 

5. Gelato
*No pics. Lupe nk amik. Sori..hehe..*

-Ktorg g tgk sume...tp xbeli Murano Glass...xjumpe yg murah...Gelato ni homemade ice-cream...rs die lain skit la drpd aiskrim biasa...xmanis sgt...Mak n kakngah as usual beli fridge magnet...ktorg tgk demonstration buat lace jugak...
-Kt Venice ada satu Art Gallery yg 'pelik'. Nama die Contini Galleria D'Arte. Lukisan die character cartoon heroes but in obscene and weird poses. Get what I mean? Maybe the pics below will help u understand...

-Lunch arini seafood pizza...Italiano pizza ni thin crust...rs die boleh tahan...lpr kot! Hehe..
-Jln2 kt Rialto...beli souvenir kt ctu...pstu dlm kul 5 lebey balik ke pelabuhan Zattere utk balik ke campsite Fusina...
-Tmpt ni laundry facilities die bagus! Agak mahal sbb wash 4 euro dry for 4 euro...tp most clothes leh trs lipat pas dry...so berbaloi2 la byr mhl skit tu...kt tmpt lain murah skit tp xberguna dryer die..
-Abis buat laundry dh lewat mlm...blk cabin tdo...

Day 8 - Venice-Florence-Rome

-Today we're going to Rome but we'll stop by kat Florence b4 teruskn prjlnn ke campsite di Rome...dr Fusina campsite ke Florence amik ms 3 jam....
-Singgah kt Piazza Michaelangelo...tgkp gmbr Statue of David n pmndgn kt Florence...nmpk Duomo n Ponte Vecchio...

St. David sexy y'all! :p
The one marked in red is the Duomo and the one marked  in black is Ponte Vecchio

-Pstu kitorg berjalan untuk ke bndr Florence (Firenze)...kt Florence ni bas xboleh masuk, kne parking kt luar bandar Florence. Kalo nk msk bandar Florence, either kne menapak or amik taxi. Kitorg menapak..jauh gler kot jln nk msk florence...lalu Uffizzi, Ponte Vecchio...Duomo xjumpe...hehe..

Ponte Vecchio ni dulu tmpt jual daging. Tp, lepas keluarga diraja bina Istana dekat2 dgn bridge ni diorang xbagi jual daging dh. So, jambatan ni skrg jual barang kemas...xsilap Ponte Vecchio ni in English 'the Golden Bridge'
-Shopping kt Florence...ad byk leather goods...pstu beli fridge magnet (as usual)...hehe..

-Mkn Gelato lagi! :p Limone (Lime) flavour...sedap la...
-Trskn prjlnn ke Rome...kem ktorg mlm ni Tiber Campsite...3 hours journey...kem mlm ni tepi sungai pulak...

Tiber Campsite. Kt blkg tu cabin kt campsite ni.

Day 9 - Rome

-Harini jln2 kt bdr Roma...nek tren buruk dr stesen Prima Porta smpi stesen Flaminio...pstu nek subway...1st destination...Vatican City...

One whole day ticket. 4 euro. With this tic boleh naik any public transport in Rome.
And this is Vatican City, the smallest State in the world.

-Pegi St. Peter square...beratur utk msk St. Peter Basilica...pjg giler barisan...dh la mat saleh giler suke potong barisan...cuaca pulak panas giler xde awan...:( 
-Kamera buat hal...yyg kata die sedey...trpksalah gune kamera abah yg cume 3.2 mp tu...aigoo...
-Pergi tgkp gmbr kt Castel d Santangelo b4 nek bas g Termini utk lunch..
-Dlm bas, kngah kt ad pencopet...xtau la ad org jd mngsa ke x...kt Rome ni penyeluk saku mmg ramai...kirenya cm established career la kt cni..
-Lunch mkn nasi briyani n ayam tandoori...best! Abah kt murh...
-Teruskn prjlnn naik subway g Colloseo...beli tiket €12 utk msk Colloseum, Palatino Hill n Roman Forum...rs cm xsgka dh jejakkan kaki kt Colloseum...sllnye tgk dlm tv je...best!

Combined tic utk msk Colloseum, Palatino Hill and Foro Romana
The famous Colloseum! :)
How it looks like inside the Colloseum
-Pnjt Palatino Hill...dpt tgk pmndgn Rome from bird eye's view...cntk!

-Jln2 kt Roman Forum (Foro Romana)...besar gile tmpt tu...smpi kitorg sesat ms nk cr jln keluar...kalo cuaca xpns sgt mst lg enjoy...

Foro Romana. Ruins drpd ancient government buildings. Ms zmn ancient Rome, Roman Forum ni political and religious centre.

-Akhirnye bile dh jumpe jln keluar, kitorg nek subway n tren buruk untuk balik ke campsite...
-Rs gembira sbb 2 bnde nk tgk kt Rome; Colloseum n Vatican city dh tercapai...wpun byk tmpt xg sbb penat...xlarat...nnt kalo dtg Italy skali lg leh g mlwt tmpt2 len pulak...
-Esk nk g tgk Leaning Tower of Pisa pulak...woohoo! :)


  1. rome & venice,r0mantic places yg slalu ad kat n0vel...ho~

    wah! bestnya dpt gi tmpt2 yg buku teks sejarah form 4 ad sbut...hehe...klu lum amik sjarah lg msti sng giler nk skor da nih....=p

    ps: st david tu tak sjuk ke cmtuh? hahahaa...

  2. Haha...in actuality Venice tu xromantik mn pn...ramai gile org kt ctu...nk naik gondola agak mahal pulak tu...haha..Rome is a very interesting city...sbb byk ancient buildings kt ctu...cume 2 bnde je ak xbrp suke Rome ni..die byk pick-pocket...n summer die sgt panas! Abis burn sume...ak teringin nk g Rome lg...sbb aritu xpuas jln...panas sgt...asyik pikir nk blk cabin je..hehe..kalo Mas nk g Italy kalo bleh jgn g wk2 summer la...try cr musim lain...:)

    xtau la abang David tu...dh immune kot lame sgt bogel cmtu kt ctu...:p
