
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Thursday, June 23, 2011

European Escapade IV

Day 10 - Rome-Pisa

-Bertolak pergi dr Rome ke Pisa...most of our times today were spent sleeping in the bus! :)
-Smpi kt campsite Pisa Torre Pendente dlm pukul 4 cmtu...arini tido cabin! Hehe..stkt ni, ni la cabin ter'best' antara cabin2 yg ktorg pnh tinggal spjg Conquest of Europe ni...with exception of Amsterdam maybe...toilet die cntk...ad fridge...ad kitchen kt luar bungalow tu (they call it bungalow...hehe)...siap ad cm verandah lg utk rehat2 kt dpn cabin tu..

Our Campsite Torre Pendente
Our 'bungalow' Cabin

-Dlm kul 5 kitorg g Piazza del Duomo...kt cni ad 3 bangunan...one of them is the famous leaning tower of Pisa! Leaning tower ni within walking distance je dr campsite...

No, it ain't heavy...:p

-Lps dh puas berposing tunggang-terbalik kt leaning tower of Pisa tu *believe me, ppl did weird things when they took pic with the leaning tower of Pisa...n that includes us...:p* kitorg beli la skit ole2..word of advice...jgn beli souvenir kt area la Piazza del Duomo tu...mahal gile! Vendor kt ctu berlagak pulak tu, skit discount pn die xbg...kalo nk beli better beli kt luar kwsn tu...lg murh!
-by d time balik campsite hujan start turun...dinner kt verandah dpn cabin! Hehe...esk nk g Switzerland!

Day 11 - Pisa-Interlaken

-No interesting thing happened today...harini d whole day was spent in the bus on the way to Switzerland...bile dh msk Switzerland permandangan mmg fascinating la...tasik kaler biru kehijauan...gunung-ganang esp yg diselaputi salji...it was beautiful...in fact rumah2 kt Switzerland ni pn cntk2 belaka...hehe...

Tasik kt Switzerland
Introducing...the Swiss Alps! :)
Comel kn rumah2 kt Switzerland ni? Feel like buying one...

-By d time smpi campsite Switzenbach...hari dh nk gelap...dinner dlm gelap...tp ms plg mencabar ialah bile nk basuh pinggan...air freezing kot! Numb sudah tgn2ku...mlm ni me n my 2 sis kne tido dorm...rmi2 dgn peserta2 lain...mak abah yayang n adik tdo cabin...esk mahu naik Jungfraujoch...:)
-Campsite kali ni cntk...dikelilingi gunung-ganang...ad air terjun sume...

Our campsite in Switzerland
We can see this waterfall from our campsite
Campsite. Ada a few brave souls yang camp kt cni...but most of us sleep in cabin or dorm...:)
Our campsite yang dikelilingi gunung-ganang

Day 12 - Interlaken

-Pegi Jungfraujoch! Jalan kaki dr campsite ke Lauterbrunnen train station utk naik tren ke Jungfraujoch...dr Lauterbrunnen kne tukar tren kt Kleine Scheidegg utk ke Jungraujoch...d view at Jungraujoch was breathtakingly beautiful! Mula2 kitorg msk Ice Palace (Palais de Glace) tgk ice sculptures...my personal fav was penguins! Many2 guins...hehe...lantai kt cni licin...cm kt ice skating rink...

Introducing my fav Guins! :)

-Pstu ktorg g Plateau-Ausgang...kt cni leh kuar utk men salji...pmndgn kt cni cntk...gunung-ganang putih mengelilingi kitorg...tp one advice...sila la bw cermin mata hitam...it was so damn silau u hv to squint your eyes all d time n u won't see any beautiful views kt Jungfraujoch kalo xnk bwk cermin mata hitam...as I bought mine, it was heaven! Hehe..
-Kitorg dpt tgk salji turun kt Jungfraujoch...hehe...it was a wonderful experience...finally we got to see snow falling from d sky after trying to find snow since 2008 (Turkiye)...hehe...our snow-finding expedition akhirnya membuahkan hasil, albeit it happen in summer instead of winter...hehe..mak kt snow die halus je...biasanya snow lg kasar...but at least we now know how snow looks like when they fall from d sky! Haha..

The views from Plateau-Ausgang

-Kitorg g Sphinx Terraces, d highest viewpoint kt Jungfraujoch ni...katanye leh nmpk Italy n Germany...but it was too cloudy...xnmpk ap pn! Nk naik Spinhx Terraces ni kne naik lif...men salji lg kt Spinhx Terraces...hehe...

The Sphinx Terraces

-Next agenda, cr glacier kt Aletsch Glacier...kt cni snow lg tebal...kitorg wt snow-fighting lg kt cni...mak siap baring atas snow punye nk posing kt snow...

My mum posing on the snow...:p

-Dlm kul 3.30 cmtu kitorg turun dr Jungfraujoch naik tren...smpi bwh dpt tau rupe2nye tgh hujan kt Switzerland...Alhamdulillah ptg tu br start turun hujan sbb kalo pg tu lg dh hujan, Jungfraujoch would be very foggy n we won't see what we were able to see thay day at Jungfraujoch...next destination, Paris!

Day 13 - Interlaken-Paris

-Bonjour! Harini kitorg ucapkan slmt tinggal kt Switzerland n bertolak ke France...bas 2 buat mslh lg..xleh bwk more than 50 km/h...prjlnn arini took 10 hrs...arini 1 hr dlm bas lg...
-Nothing interesting happen throughout our journey today...kt France campsite kitorg nama die Le Parc de Paris...dkt dgn Disneyland! Hehe..tdo dlm cabin besar yg muat 4-6 people...ak tdo kt living room..atas sofa bed...
-Dr cabin ke tmpt makan jauh! Aigoo...dh la prjlnn naik bukit...sejuk pulak tu kt France...igtkn France panas gile cm Italy...xde mknenye...

Our cabin which is far away from civilisation i.e. tmpt makan


  1. swiss super cntik!!! subhanallah!!! (^-^) gmbr waterfall & tasik tu cm lukisan jer...cntik sgt..best la campsite ad pmandangan cntik..tp cm freezing jer....

    cm best landing ats salji cm mak frh tuh... c: fara tak wat pose cmtu gk ker? hehehe

  2. Cntk kn Swiss? FYI pmndgn cntk cmtu ad byk kt Swiss and Austria...tasik die nmpk dasar kot...cntk gile...sbb kitorg pegi ms Swiss bkn Winter...it's still chilling tp bearable la wpun xpakai baju gemuk...ak xwt la pulak pose cmtu...xterpikir pulak! haha...

    p/s: konfem...lokasi utk honeymoon ak nk g Switzerland...haha...ni kitorg br g Interlaken...byk lg bndr xpegi...leh la wt trip mengelilingi Swiss ms honeymoon nnt...nk join? haha..
