
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Thursday, June 16, 2011

European Escapade I

Day 1 - KL-London

-Bertolak dr KLIA pukul 11.40 mlm...MH002...seat 55J n K...seat kitog sblh mamat African American! Haha...ngeri jugak...tp slmt akhirnya...smpi Heathrow pukul 5.50 pg...smooth landing! Hehe...minah2 salleh kt blkg puji MH...bangga jap jd rakyat Msia...haha...sewa van g hotel...
-Jln2 smntara nk tggu nk check-in...jalan2 kt Oxford Street...shopping kt Primark sbb abah xbwk jaket...murah la..sblm tu breakfast kt subway...boleh la sbb lapar...:p
-Naik tube dr bond st g Charing Cross sbb abah kt kat Trafalgar Square ad burung merpati...ad tp xbyk pn! Hehe...tgkp gmbr kt Trafalgar Square kt dpn National Museum...
-Nk blk konon2 nk naik bas jln la all d way to Big Ben...nmpk la Eye on London..Westminster Abbey...hehe..tp last2 naik tube jugak sbb xjmpe bas nk blk Marble Arch...amik tube dr Westminster g Marble Arch n check-in...

Excited first time naik London Underground..hehe..
-Penat gler tp sbb dh booking Madame Tussaud's kuar bilik kul 3 lebey msk Madame Tussaud's...msk kul 3.50 ptg...best gler! Tgkp gmbr dgn Edward Cullen, Harry Potter...Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, J-Lo, abang Jack, Prince William...ramai la! :p ilang jap penat...ngan BiBier pn tgkp gmbr kot! haha..pstu naik ad satu ride menyusuri sejarah London...ad Scream...cm umah hantu...tp xmsk...takut! Hehe...tgk 4D Marvel Heroes...ad satu part tu cm labah2 msk tmpt tygn ktorg...rs geli2 kt kaki...hehe..blk bilik, makan Maggi...pstu tido! Hehe..

Day 2 - London-Amsterdam

-Kuar hotel dlm 6.15 pg...excited nk cr Speaker's Corner Park Lane kt Hyde Park...haha...smpi2 dh ad org...tp lame gk la menunggu kesejukan b4 bas smpi...bas nk dkt kul 8 br smpi...
-Breakfast mkn roti chinois and brioche rolls...:) breakfast dlm bas...
-Bas msk dlm tren utk g France! Hehe..lalu Eurotunnel lalu English Channel...35 min je akn trs smpi kt France...

Bas kitorg yg double-decker tu actually muat masuk dlm train ni! Kagum kejap...:p

-Smpi kt Calais, France...5 hours journey ke Amsterdam...lunch tuna sandwich je...hehe..ad sesi memperkenalkan diri la pulak...aigoo...
-Dlm kul 3 lebey smpi kt PJ Belgian Chocolate Factory...beli Belgian choc! Hehe..rs die sdp...coklat mahal la katakan...hehe..
-Trskn prjlnn g Amsterdam...smpi kt kem dlm kul 7 lebey...1st time psg khemah...ssh gle! Nasib baik ad bdk2 lelaki student Canada khemah sblh tlg psgkn...
-khemah sejuk gler...wpun tdo dlm sleeping bag...tp sbb ngantuk tdo jugak la...

Khemah kami yg amat susah utk dipasang bg first-timer yg xpnh pgg spike spjg 23 thn hidup ni...

The communal bathroom at our campsite, Amsterdamse Bos campsite. It was clean, at least sblm dikerjakan rkyt Msia...:p

P/s: unless korg sgt2 pndi psg khemah...silalah tmbh skit n tdo dlm kabin...it is so much better...panas, selesa...hehe..

Cabin mak & abah kt Amsterdam. It was spacious and comfortable...

Day 3 - Volendam & Amsterdam

-Bertolak dari campsite kul 10.11 pg. We stopped at a cheese and clogs factory and spend some time, shopping and taking pictures. Right then, on our way to Volendam, the bus stopped for 10 minutes, giving us time to capture the view of a biggg windmill. We took pics...d pride of Holland...hehe..

-Next destination, Vollendam Fishing Village...makan! Hehe..mkn byk gler shrimp, ikan...lala...shopping giler2 kt cni, esp utk kwn2 sbb murah...
-Pstu g Centrum Amsterdam...naik canal cruise...boring...jln2 kt ctu..tgk Red Light District...gler ar...sume kedai psl sex je...dh la bau semacam...which I suspect is the smell of drugs...sbb rs xselesa jln kt Red Light District tu we left the district...n jln kt 'Green' Light District...Centrum Amsterdam xbest! Busuk bau urine...dgn org ramai...basikal pn byk...

Did u see the traffic light with the symbol of bicycle in green? In Amsterdam, bicycle hv their own lane just like cars and if a cyclist hit u when u are crossing the bicycle lane, u can be sued for tort as it is the bicycle's right of way 

-Dlm 5.45 nek bas g Museumplein...tgkp gmbr kt I amsterdam...

-Dlm kul 7 bertolak blk kem......n dat marks d end of Amsterdam...esk nk g Germany lak...malam ni dinner kobis cina stir-fry n Kelana Fried Chicken...kenyang! :)


  1. wow! special lane tuk basikal! klu kat msia,sure2 basikal kn langgar (=_=')Red Light District tu kn ltk sign 18sx bebyk kot...hehehe...waiting to read the other parts! ^-^v

  2. haha..xyh ltk sign sbb all d things displayed kt most of the shops kt ctu mmg strd kedai 'I Need House'...haha..
