
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Friday, June 17, 2011

European Escapade II

Day 4 - Amsterdam-Frankfurt

-We are going to Germany! Hehe..perjlnn ke Germany mengambil masa yg agak lama iaitu 7 hours...kitorg bertolak dari campsite kul 9.00 pg...
-Lalu Autobahn! *for those who don't know, Autobahn is a highway in Germany, a very lurus highway...* Hehe...dh lame dh dgr citer psl Autobahn ni kt Discovery Channel...kt Autobahn ni xde speed limit utk line sblh kiri...cuma ad min speed...kt selekoh2 berbahaya sllnye ad la speed limit...tp otherwise stated, kt Autobahn ni xde speed limit...sbb keta sport cm Porsche jenama Germany...Autobahn ni tmpt utk test drive keta2 mahal ni la kot...tp kalo ad accident, nauzubillah!
-G mlwt bndr Frankfurt...tgkp gmbr kt Eurosign...hehe..

-Jln2 kt bndr Frankfurt...souvenir mahal kt cni...tgkp gmbr tepi Mein River...cntk...nmpk bridge n bangunan lama2 kt ctu...:p

Apparently pemandangan ni byk dijadikan lukisan sold by painters kt area ni so I guess this is one of the most beautiful view kt Mein River ni la kot..

-Beli poskad gmbr monyet n bear kt Bear Paradies... :D

Anyone who knows anything about me will know that I buy the postcard not because of the teddy...:p
-Cuaca kt Germany panas..bahang cm kt Msia...mlm ni campsite kt tepi tasik...hehe...

Kt tanah terbentang luas ni la kitorg pacak khemah kt Germany. Tanah die agak keras, jarang dibasahi hujan agaknye. Btw, kt sini xde cabin...sume org kena berkhemah...

Just pardon the untidiness of our tents and see that khemah kitorg mmg betul2 tepi tasik yg dlm gmbr kt atas tu...:)

-Berita xbest...Coach 2 rosak *our trip consist of 140++ people so we travelled around in 2 double decker buses*...so esk dijangka akan bertolak a bit late...
-Campsite kt Frankfurt ni best! Air panas free cme xbyk shower stall...It was very clean too...

Toilet stalls kat Germany's campsite
Day 5 - Frankfurt-Fussen-Innsbruck

-Bertolak dr Campsite dlm kul 10.45...nasib baik just hose hydraulic yg rosak...so cpt la Coach 2 dibaiki...
-G mlwt Fussen...nk g tgk Neuchwanstein Castle...dibina oleh a crazy king, Kinog Ludwig (King Ludwig)...
-Nasib xbaik...by d time ktorg smpi hujan turun...so ktorg sume dibasahi hujan...naik bas naik ke Neuschwanstein Castle...*ada 3 choices utk naik ke Neuschwanstein Castle...by foot, by bus or by kereta kuda...the cheaper and more suitable mode of transportation in a raining weather is definitely bus...kalo nk romantik leh la kot naik kereta kuda...:p*
-Tgkp gmbr kt Marienbrucke, a bridge which is higher in altitude compared to the Neuschwanstein Castle...from there we hv the bird's eye view of the whole castle... 
Us at Marienbrucke. See all the umbrellas? Don't be deceived by the seemingly fine pic of the castle. Actually, it wasn't that pretty a view at that time. It was cloudy...but thanks to editing...:p
-Dlm hujan kami 5 beradik menapak ke castle tu...mak n abah xpegi...xlarat...
-Ktorg tgkp gmbr castle tu dari dekat..it was a common castle...bsr...xmsk pn sbb dh lmbt...plus kne bayar kalo nk msk...
-Dengar citer castle ni inspired Walt Disney utk bina castle kt Disneyland...ad la kot persamaan skit2..tang menara tu..
Walt Disney Castle vs Neushwanstein Castle. I'll always prefer Walt Disney Castle because it's pink in colour! ;p

-Truskan perjalann g Hamming campsite kt Innsbruck, Austria...bile ktorg smpi campsite, it was raining cats and dogs! Ktorg cpt2 pasang khemah *by this time dh expert pasang khemah dh...:p* tp ad gk air msk khemah...basah jugak la dlm khemah tu...mlm sgt sejuk! We need to snuggle together to keep warm...more ppl in one tent is better...we can 'sharing is caring' our body heat..hehe...
-Cni toilet die xbest sgt...busuk..kne byr lak tu...n some of the sink bowls are in a form of toilet bowl! Xtau la sape yg 'terlampau' kreatif buat sink bowl dr toilet bowl...gross!
-D whole nite ujan...so mmg sejuk gler la..
-Campsite ktorg kali ni dkt tepi bukit...so wpun sejuk giler, at least pmndgn die cntk la...hehe..
Pmndgn kt our campsite in Austria
Nama campsite kt Austria ni Oberland! Haha..

Day 6 - Innsbruck-Venice

-Arini bertolak dr Campsite pegi ke bndr Innsbruck...jln2 kt ctu...tgkp gmbr kt tepi sungai...cntk! Tp xsure nama...nk kne check...hehe..

Bandar Innsbruck
The beautiful river which I don't know what its name...this is what happen when you sleep while En. Hairul gave explanation on the places we are going to visit...:p

-Beli souvenir kt byk2 stall yg ad kt ctu...n pstu g naik bukit...nk tgk ski jump ramp built for Winter Olympic..nama die Ski Austria Bergisel...leh nmpk seluruh bndr Innsbruck dr atas tu...cntk! 
According to En. Hairul, nama Bergisel ni diberi oleh org Malaysia. Not sure about the truthness of the info, but IMHO Bergisel sounded so wrong! *in a perverted way, of course...* Cube la bg nama yg less controversial skit...
Cntk kn bandar Innsbruck kt blkg saya tu ? :)
-Tgkp gmbr lmbg Olympic yg 5 bulatan tu...tgkp gmbr kt tugu Kaiser Franz Joseph I...sounds familiar? Sure it is...kne check blk buku Sejarah...nk tgk sape die...lunch kt sna...sedap! Mkn nasi goreng with sos cilii kowt..hehe..*I know nasi goreng with sos cili is a common food, but eating it in Innsbruck, Austria makes it 100x more delicious...:p*
-Pas lunch, bertolak ke Venice (Venetia), Italy...mlm ni tdo cabin! Hehe..kem ktorg kali ni dkt dgn laut...so mlm2 leh dgr bunyi hon kapal...
Kem kitorg kt Venice, Fusina Campsite...

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