
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Shocking Truth

It is a very disturbing truth to learn that in this modern world, there are still ppl who like to stereotype other ppl..why must d way you dress n d way you carry yourself be an issue that caused you to be downgraded? I just don't understand it! Do everybody hv to act like YOU to be considered as in the same level as YOU? Oh, plz! That's a very narrow and idiotic principle..then, words like unity in diversity will amount to nothing then..

I mean, yes, in some ways I'm still a lil' bit conservative..

  1. I wear scarf *that is because I know I HAVE to cover my hair..it is a clear-cut principles taught by Islam that women must cover their hair..if I knew it but dun practice it then it will be 'cakap x serupa bikin' la..*
  2. I don't like touching and being touched by d other species called 'men' *it is wrong, for one thing, but more importantly I don't feel comfortable touching men..unless it is really necessary to do so..then I'll be tolerant*
  3. I also covers my whole body from head to toe with the exceptions of face and hands and sometimes..legs..that is also justifiable..what is the purpose of wearing scarf if you reveal other parts of your body? Duh!

But the conservativeness stops there...really! I mean, why did I wear Baju Kurung a lot to classes? That is because I have many Baju Kurung and if i dun wear it to classes , I'll only wear it to Kenduri n Hari Raya! I am also a very open-minded person..(you can tell me that you're gay, and I'll never look down on you..I always reserved my opinion for myself) I am also used to vulgar words *though i dun understand why they must use vulgar words..do u look cool? No you don't! You look so ill-mannered ppl will start wondering what your teachers had taught you at school* You can use as much vulgar words as you want, I'll never be offended (unless the words are offending of course..=p)

I wear high heels *really lovin' them..but cannot wear them as much as I want to..as it is not good for my body structure + I walk a lot everyday..high heels would be highly impractical..=)* and I bought new, fashionable clothes *btw I like the Taiwanese, Korean n Japanese styles..not so much into Western sense of fashion* I cannot buy them often though, and I cannot afford it if it is too expensive (I don't have so much money, unlike some of us who are born in silver spoons). So, I bought new clothes according to my needs at moderate prices [Below RM100 should be fine..=)]

Now tell me..am I a nerd, based on my descriptions above? Oh, plz stop judging ppl externally..it is so immature and 'perasan bagus'..as the Malays always said. B4 you start criticizing others, looks at yourself first..you are only entitled to label ppl as you wish and criticise ppl as you like if you are perfect (which you will not be..as you are a human)

I think it's enough with this ranting and raving..I'm sorry if anyone feel offended..I just need to get this anger out of my head...♥

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hyun Joong is DEAD?

No...lah! I'll grieve for 100 days if that happened...*selisih malaikat 44* Feels good to be writing in Manglish again...(writing in formal Malay is a real pain...now I'm sure that I prefer writing my Project Paper in English...=p)

I'm referring to SS501 Solo Collection MV...d 2nd episode...which tells d whole story about the 3 main characters; Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong and Jung Min. If you watched the 1st episode, and were left perplexed *like me, apparently...=)* the 2nd episode is a must-watch. It'll tell you d whole story (I supposed the 1st episode consist of clips from the 2nd episode) like why Hyun Joong killed the guy in the bar and tried to kill Jung Min, why Kyu Jong tried to kill the girl, etc., etc.

However, I can't promise that you'll understand the whole story after watching d whole thing though. *I still don't...=p* I still did not understand why Kyu Jong wanted to kill the girl (in the 2nd episode there are newspapers article showing pictures of Kyu Jong and Jung Min, so I supposed Kyu Jong tried to kill the girl MIGHT have something to do with Jung Min...but I can't be too sure) as the clip I watched had no English subtitle and my knowledge of Korean is very limited and basic.

Having said that, maybe you'll understand the MV better though...as sometimes I can be a lil' bit slow in understanding things. Here's the 2nd Episode MV...you can judge for yourself!

My Hyun Joongie died in this part I think *actually the MV did not show that he's dead, but he's bleeding to death...='(* Though it is just an act, it still sadden me...I don't care if he is a professional assasin or anything, I just don't want him to die! *in fact, I don't want any of them died (Hyun Joong, Jung Min and Kyu Jong). The girl can die all she wants...I don't care! =p*

This is the NG for the MV..but not much. I guess there'll be other clips that show the other NGs..=)

In case you are curious, this MV is for SS501 Solo Collection that had just been/not been released yet. All 5 of them have their own song (my fav would be Hyun Joong's 'Please Be Nice To Me' and Young Saeng's 'Nameless Memory'). Oh yeah, and one more thing. Young Saeng and Hyung Joon only sing for this MV..they are not part of the casts in the MV...=)

Credit: shirbogurl21 (videos from YouTube)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hot n Cold

"You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes"

Lagu ni memang sangatlah sesuai ditujukan kpd kerajaan Malaysia ni..aku merujuk kepada pemansuhan PPSMI (Program Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris.) Alasan yang diberikan mudah; majoriti guru tidak yakin untuk mengajar Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan prestasi pelajar di dalam kedua-dua subjek tersebut menurun sejak PPSMI diperkenalkan.

Aku amat tak setuju dengan keputusan kerajaan ni, dan aku tahu, ramai yang tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan ini. Jika diikutkan, sekiranya sesuatu polisi yang dilaksanakan itu tidak berjaya, logiknya kita akan mengkaji polisi tersebut dan memindanya supaya menjadi lebih baik, bukannya terus memansuhkan polisi tersebut dan kembali ke takuk lama. Itulah yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan, tetapi malangnya kerajaan kita terlalu 'terdesak' untuk mendapat sokongan rakyat sehinggakan mereka sanggup berbuat apa sahaja demi mendapatkannya. Mereka langsung tidak memikirkan nasib pelajar-pelajar sekolah yang menjadi mangsa. Inikah kerajaan yang dikatakan 'mendahulukan rakyat'?

Kata Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, walaupun pelajar menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dalam subjek Sains dan Matematik sebelum PPSMI diperkenalkan, negara kita masih berjaya mengeluarkan graduan doktor dan professional lain yang berjaya. Aku langsung tidak bersetuju dengan analogi tersebut. Memanglah kami (kamilah antara generasi terakhir yang mempelajari Sains dan Matematik dalam BM) menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai medium pengajaran Sains dan Matematik di sekolah, tetapi barangkali Najib terlupa bahawa hanya pelajar yang cemerlang sahaja yang layak mengambil jurusan perubatan dan professional lain.

Pelajar-pelajar ini adalah mereka yang boleh berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam kedua-dua bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris (untuk mengambil jurusan perubatan, pelajar perlu mendapat 'Band 4' dalam peperiksaan MUET). Aku pasti, sekiranya pelajar-pelajar ini mempelajari Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris, mereka masih akan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang kerana mereka memang bijak.

Aku yakin bahawa hanya pelajar yang kurang cemerlang mempunyai masalah dalam mempelajari Matematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Aku cuma ada 1 persoalan; adakah pemansuhan PPMSI akan meningkatkan prestasi pelajar-pelajar ini? Mungkin tidak!

Apa-apapun, keputusan telah dibuat, dan suka atau tidak, mulai 2012 pelajar-pelajar akan mula menggunakan Bahasa Melayu kembali dalam mempelajari subjek Sains dan Matematik. Harapan aku kini cuma satu; supaya isu ini tidak lagi dipolitikkan. Cukuplah tu. Tolonglah jangan ubah lagi polisi ini di masa hadapan. Kasihan para pelajar.

P/S: Aku menulis artikel ini di dalam Bahasa Melayu kerana aku ingin membuktikan kepada para 'pejuang bahasa' kita bahawa walaupun kami belajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris, kami masih mendaulatkan Bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu tetap takkan pupus di dunia walaupun subjek Sains dan Matematik diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris. =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ready, Get Set, Go!

Akhirnya semua tutorial dh habis daftar! Yeay! *buka champagne..hoho* Dlm byk2 aktiviti kat Law Fac ni, daftar tutorial adalah antara aktiviti yg aku paling xsuke skali..mana xnya..cm berperang plak..kna ada strategi la (ok! kalo ko dpt dftr dulu tuliskan nama sumer org tau! =p) ..kna ada backup plan la (wei, kalo xdpt ari selasa kul 10-11, kul 9-10 ek!)..peperangan utk mendaftar kelas tutorial memang memenatkan..

Kalo korg menang peperangan tu (sume strategi menjadi..sume kelas (musuh) yang di'aim' dpt 'dijajah')..mmg bahagia ar..cntk je jadual korg spjg sesi 2009/2010 ni..

Kalo korg ada menang-ada kalah cam ak..kureng bahagia la..*nk bahagia cmna..klas PIL ak kul 8 pg ari khamis kot..=(*

Paling teruk skali kalo korg mmg bernasib malang *tukar la nama korg kpd Lebai Malang* terpaksa terima je la klas tutorial mn yg msh nk terima korg..ni adalah antara manusia2 plg malang dlm dunia..ad 3 tutorial shari..mau bunuh diri kot sbb depression..hoho *cek la kt website cara artis2 korea bunuh diri..leh jdkn guideline utk pastikn rancangan utk bunuh diri tu berjaya..*

Kul 12-2 td ad Senior-Junior Meet..ni antara satu drpd event yg berlaku kt Law Fac yg ak sgt suke..kt Law Fac ni..events yg ak suke cume..

  1. Senior-Junior Meet
  2. Mock Trial (lg2 kalo ad kelucahan melampau..best!)
  3. AGM
  4. Apa2 event yg ad bg makanan e.g. buka puasa, jamuan hari raya, etc.
...sbb otherwise, Law Fac bukanlah satu tempat yg happening sgt..*student mmg happening gile..no doubt..cume d venue itself x la se'happening' mn..=p* Senior-junior meet ni adalah 1 annual event di mn 1st year Freshies perlu menghiburkan senior2 mrk yg 'sudah tua ini' & mendptkn tandatangan senior2..(during orientation week, 1st yr perlu mndptkn signature seniors setiap batch..*ni la msnya senior nk rs cm artis popular..org dok kejar nk signature..hoho..* n senior-junior meet is d best place to do so..as seniors will gather in Audi, ready to give their 'precious signatures').

However, d signatures come with a price..mereka perlu menghiburkan seniors b4 d signatures are given..n i tell u..it's not ez to satisfy d seniors *bukanlah senior ni org kejam berhati batu yg very dull n dry..it juz dat d seniors really like to buli d juniors teruk2..so they'll pretend dat they are not satisfied at all wif whatever is being performed by d juniors* n dat is actually d best part! Hoho..for seniors la..4 juniors, it feels like shit! *i knew how it felt..been there, done that..*

It is a very enlightening entertainment seeing d seniors marahkan d juniors. Yes, they had done wrong..and yes, some of them are really spoilt n rude to d seniors..tp kdg2 tu sbb benda kecik pn diorg kna marah..hehe..feels sorry 4 them gk la..esp d ones yg xpnh wt ap2 salah tu..tp still kna marah teruk2 gk. But i do feels that dis is a part of learning..being lawyers, u need to be thick-skinned..kalo kna marah dgn seniors pn xleh tahan..how u're going to stand Mr Justice Dato' Gopal Sri Ram?

I guess i'll stop here..need to do some housechores b4 preparing letter regarding project paper..till then, jaljja! =)

Monday, July 6, 2009

The hottest time of d day...

No, no, aniyo..d accurate ones would be d longest time of d day..hoho..ari ni serius masa lambat giler berlalu..klas PIL kul 10..dgn Datin Mary George..then kelas Juris. xde..pastu..ak menunggu la dgn penuh kebosanan smpi kul 3 ptg..coz ad klas Islamic Criminal Law..haha..in fact, 3 hours wasn't dat long if u hv something to do e.g. wat tutorial ke..surf internet ke..but d ironic things are we dun hv any tutorials until at least d 2nd week or d 3rd week n d server is down!

Hoho..ilang sume semangat berkobar2 ak nk start doing research 4 my project paper..(segan nk jumpe dr farah sbb xwt apa2 lg..hehe..) n replaced by perasaan bosan yg tramat sgt..i guess i'm not d kind of person who can be in d 'idle' mode 4 a long time.. n adding salt to my wound (rasa bosan leh dikategorikan as wound x? Hehe) klas Islamic Criminal start ari Rabu ni..so, my penantian yg x berpenghujung tu to no avail..talking about a series of unfortunate events..=)

Aku add subject baru 4 my el! Hoho..since it is impossible 4 me to take AFEA1106 as my EL [not that I want to take dat sub so much..it juz dat d subjects i wanted (Korean Language or Budaya n Masyarakat Korea) is not available...so i juz hv to go wif d flow for d sake of finishing my EL..] ak amik subject Nutrisi Sepanjang Hayat as my EL..haha..d course sounds delicious..=p Xpnh lg g klas so i dun hv a single idea pun psl course ni..so it is kinda still pending (add n drop ad 2 minggu lg..hehe..) but I hv good 1st impressions on dis subject..

  1. Kod die SHES1319..bile nombor depan 1, meaning it is an introductory course...bukan advanced course..most probably it would be very basic and understandable..[after all i got A2 for my Biology rite? Hope i can cope..=) ]
  2. The final exam would be MCQ...yeah, yeah, i know MCQ can be kinda confusing..but if possible..i dun really wanna take a subject with essay questions 4 final exam..all d law papers had tire me..=)
  3. Students from Sc Faculty is not allowed to take dis course..so most probably dis course is juz too easy 4 them...too easy = most basic concept = bearable 4 non-science student like us..hehe..
  4. Course ni 2 jk je! Which means no tutorial! Yay!
Tapi tgk ar ari rabu ni..if i felt dat it is too hard maybe i'll drop it but d prob is i can only register for 22 jk due to the folly of mine (i can't even do my maths correctly) . I can only take 2 jk ELs or Koku..not much choice actually..

Anyhow, i need to try my best to like dis subject..hwaiting! =)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Akulah petani moden!

Hoho..aku sedang menikmati hari2 terakhir cuti semester..Isnin depan dh start klas..malasnye! =( Xtau ar dpt bangun ke x ari isnin nnt..LOL..

Sepanjang cuti ni, ak tlh berjaya me'nurture' minat ak yg tlh terpendam sekian lama...iaitu bermain game! Haha..ni sume penangan Facebook la..permainan pertama..Pet Society..hoho..kalo korg suke main The Sims korg tau la konsep Pet Society ni..mandikn pet, bagi makan, bagi die happy, lawat kawan..hehe..seronok! =p

Pastu permainan lain mule 'mengisi' idup aku satu demi satu..Restaurant City, Sorority Life, Yoville..tp genre games yg plg byk aku main..farming! Hehe..Farm Town, Barn Buddy, Farmville...ak dh jd 'petani' yg berjaya spjg cuti 2 bulan ni..petani moden lagi! Quoting from Yuchimaro Akira (Ema), "kite dpt untung yg sgt byk tanpa mengeluarkn walaupun setitik peluh!" hehe..

Tp, nmpk gayanya 'keseronokan' tu x kekal lama..minggu depan dh start klas! Xtau ar ad ms ke x nk uruskan 'ladang2' ak ni..hoho..buruk x perangai, org dok sibuk psl project paper, ak dok ssh hati xde ms nk men game..LOL!

Ni ar gmbr salah satu ladang ak kt Farm Town..

Hoho..ladang ak cantik kan? (Perasan giler..=p) Dh ar, xtau nk bebel ap lg..nite!