
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ready, Get Set, Go!

Akhirnya semua tutorial dh habis daftar! Yeay! *buka champagne..hoho* Dlm byk2 aktiviti kat Law Fac ni, daftar tutorial adalah antara aktiviti yg aku paling xsuke skali..mana xnya..cm berperang plak..kna ada strategi la (ok! kalo ko dpt dftr dulu tuliskan nama sumer org tau! =p) ..kna ada backup plan la (wei, kalo xdpt ari selasa kul 10-11, kul 9-10 ek!)..peperangan utk mendaftar kelas tutorial memang memenatkan..

Kalo korg menang peperangan tu (sume strategi menjadi..sume kelas (musuh) yang di'aim' dpt 'dijajah')..mmg bahagia ar..cntk je jadual korg spjg sesi 2009/2010 ni..

Kalo korg ada menang-ada kalah cam ak..kureng bahagia la..*nk bahagia cmna..klas PIL ak kul 8 pg ari khamis kot..=(*

Paling teruk skali kalo korg mmg bernasib malang *tukar la nama korg kpd Lebai Malang* terpaksa terima je la klas tutorial mn yg msh nk terima korg..ni adalah antara manusia2 plg malang dlm dunia..ad 3 tutorial shari..mau bunuh diri kot sbb depression..hoho *cek la kt website cara artis2 korea bunuh diri..leh jdkn guideline utk pastikn rancangan utk bunuh diri tu berjaya..*

Kul 12-2 td ad Senior-Junior Meet..ni antara satu drpd event yg berlaku kt Law Fac yg ak sgt suke..kt Law Fac ni..events yg ak suke cume..

  1. Senior-Junior Meet
  2. Mock Trial (lg2 kalo ad kelucahan melampau..best!)
  3. AGM
  4. Apa2 event yg ad bg makanan e.g. buka puasa, jamuan hari raya, etc.
...sbb otherwise, Law Fac bukanlah satu tempat yg happening sgt..*student mmg happening gile..no doubt..cume d venue itself x la se'happening' mn..=p* Senior-junior meet ni adalah 1 annual event di mn 1st year Freshies perlu menghiburkan senior2 mrk yg 'sudah tua ini' & mendptkn tandatangan senior2..(during orientation week, 1st yr perlu mndptkn signature seniors setiap batch..*ni la msnya senior nk rs cm artis popular..org dok kejar nk signature..hoho..* n senior-junior meet is d best place to do so..as seniors will gather in Audi, ready to give their 'precious signatures').

However, d signatures come with a price..mereka perlu menghiburkan seniors b4 d signatures are given..n i tell u..it's not ez to satisfy d seniors *bukanlah senior ni org kejam berhati batu yg very dull n dry..it juz dat d seniors really like to buli d juniors teruk2..so they'll pretend dat they are not satisfied at all wif whatever is being performed by d juniors* n dat is actually d best part! Hoho..for seniors la..4 juniors, it feels like shit! *i knew how it felt..been there, done that..*

It is a very enlightening entertainment seeing d seniors marahkan d juniors. Yes, they had done wrong..and yes, some of them are really spoilt n rude to d seniors..tp kdg2 tu sbb benda kecik pn diorg kna marah..hehe..feels sorry 4 them gk la..esp d ones yg xpnh wt ap2 salah tu..tp still kna marah teruk2 gk. But i do feels that dis is a part of learning..being lawyers, u need to be thick-skinned..kalo kna marah dgn seniors pn xleh tahan..how u're going to stand Mr Justice Dato' Gopal Sri Ram?

I guess i'll stop here..need to do some housechores b4 preparing letter regarding project paper..till then, jaljja! =)


  1. hahahahha..betol2..
    aku rase makin naik tahon makin berebot2 nak sign up tutorial..ea la..msg2 nak geng msg2 kan..
    part events yg happening kat law fac toh aku pown stuju amat ngan ko..huhuhuhu..

  2. hohoho...esp no 4 kn..mkn free kt fac mmg sgt2 dialu2 kan..=p

  3. btol3..ak sgt ske senior junior meet..
    only if i'm d senior..ha3* wicked laugh
    makan free? i'm on...but not too much
    mock trial? i'll definitely watch it with u guys.or is it u girls?
