
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Shocking Truth

It is a very disturbing truth to learn that in this modern world, there are still ppl who like to stereotype other ppl..why must d way you dress n d way you carry yourself be an issue that caused you to be downgraded? I just don't understand it! Do everybody hv to act like YOU to be considered as in the same level as YOU? Oh, plz! That's a very narrow and idiotic principle..then, words like unity in diversity will amount to nothing then..

I mean, yes, in some ways I'm still a lil' bit conservative..

  1. I wear scarf *that is because I know I HAVE to cover my hair..it is a clear-cut principles taught by Islam that women must cover their hair..if I knew it but dun practice it then it will be 'cakap x serupa bikin' la..*
  2. I don't like touching and being touched by d other species called 'men' *it is wrong, for one thing, but more importantly I don't feel comfortable touching men..unless it is really necessary to do so..then I'll be tolerant*
  3. I also covers my whole body from head to toe with the exceptions of face and hands and sometimes..legs..that is also justifiable..what is the purpose of wearing scarf if you reveal other parts of your body? Duh!

But the conservativeness stops there...really! I mean, why did I wear Baju Kurung a lot to classes? That is because I have many Baju Kurung and if i dun wear it to classes , I'll only wear it to Kenduri n Hari Raya! I am also a very open-minded person..(you can tell me that you're gay, and I'll never look down on you..I always reserved my opinion for myself) I am also used to vulgar words *though i dun understand why they must use vulgar words..do u look cool? No you don't! You look so ill-mannered ppl will start wondering what your teachers had taught you at school* You can use as much vulgar words as you want, I'll never be offended (unless the words are offending of course..=p)

I wear high heels *really lovin' them..but cannot wear them as much as I want to..as it is not good for my body structure + I walk a lot everyday..high heels would be highly impractical..=)* and I bought new, fashionable clothes *btw I like the Taiwanese, Korean n Japanese styles..not so much into Western sense of fashion* I cannot buy them often though, and I cannot afford it if it is too expensive (I don't have so much money, unlike some of us who are born in silver spoons). So, I bought new clothes according to my needs at moderate prices [Below RM100 should be fine..=)]

Now tell me..am I a nerd, based on my descriptions above? Oh, plz stop judging ppl externally..it is so immature and 'perasan bagus'..as the Malays always said. B4 you start criticizing others, looks at yourself first..you are only entitled to label ppl as you wish and criticise ppl as you like if you are perfect (which you will not be..as you are a human)

I think it's enough with this ranting and raving..I'm sorry if anyone feel offended..I just need to get this anger out of my head...♥


  1. really shocking rt??
    nvr mind la, fara...
    just be ourselves is enough kann...
    x yah nk plastik2 nih...

  2. who criticized u?
    tembak kang br tw..

  3. Hoho..xleh tembak la mona..nnt kns dkwa bwh penal code..=p

  4. hehe...susah rr if nak pakai baju kurung pon kene krtik...aku pnye badan, aku punye idup, ske ati aku rr nak pakai ape, aku mmg takkan pkai any baju cute2 or glamour2 ke aper g fac, coz definisi aku g klas, tshirt, jean or baju kurung..kat luaq je aku akn pkai len skit ble ng family...yg korang dok pakai terdedah sana sini, ingat cool sangat ke, mcam ape je aku tgk, tp takde lak aku nak label2 org ikut ape yg diorg pkai..takde r sampai nak panggil diorg "..." kan...lantak kau la kau nak pakai ape, nanti kat akhirat kau jawab sendiri r sb aku rse pengetahuan agama mereka2 ni lagi tinggi dri aku cme tak reti nak practise je..aku mmg basic agama aku rendah sb aku tak penah pon g skola agama dri kecik smpai beso, juz ader agama islam je kat skola, tp mane yg aku tau, aku amalkan lah..klu tak sia2 je g klas agame..sape2 yg bace ni, jgn la plak nak terase, aku pon jenis pedas mulut gak cme aku takkan sampai nak label org..ko gay ke, ko straight ke, ko ader taste kat due kaum ke, ko pkai dedah sane sni ke, aku ttp je anggap korang member aku satu batch, takde beza tp klu da smpai aku dilabelkan, aku pon ader mulut nak cakap...

  5. orang kate kubur masing2 wat hal sendiri..tp pnah x korang pk, disebabkan kubur masing2 la kite xleh nk cover mende2 wajib yg krg x wat kat dunie..so sbb tu tego dr skg..pasal fesyen ni aku no komen la sbb aku mmg low taste utk fashion..yeah maybe apperance bg korang tu satu kayu ukur cmne seseorg tu bawak diri diorang..well aku rase krg salah..aku sokong argument wani n aku nk ckp xyah nk trase la sesape yg berkenaan..lenkali air yg tenang jgn dikocak ye..
