
Ak ad 5 kegilaan; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, kasut & baju. Ak agak introverted n shy-shy cat skit bile 1st time jumpa. So, kalo nk tgk ak ckp x berhenti, start la on d topic regarding my 5 kegilaan tu..huhu..=p Org yg br jumpa ak 1st time akan igt ak sombong tp sbnrnya ak x sombong! Huhu..perasan giler..=p

I am crazy about 5 things; j-drama, k-pop (especially idol groups), travel, clothes & shoes. I am an introvert who is also quite timid and shy with ppl I met 4 d 1st time. But if u start with a topic regarding the above 5 things, it'll be hard to stop me from talking then! =p I don't hv a very good 1st impression as ppl tend to say that I look cold and unfriendly but actually I am not! Huhu..so much for being humble..=p

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You and I

Ok..call me 'jiwang' or whatever..but I'm totally moved by this song! Initially, I want to write about something else *Minami Shineyo* but reading what my friend already wrote about d drama, it would take a very long post to do justice to d excellent drama..=p So, let me write about this MV first..

This MV is very moving yet so cute! I totally love Park Bom in dis MV..she's really cute like a bunny *that's what allkpop called her* and it's hard to believe that she's already 25..I really liked d part in d church (d wedding part)..and when she made cupcakes for d guy..so sweet..

Ok, I dun intend to babble unnecessarily..so I'll just put d english translation for d song..enjoy!

You and I - Park Bom

No matter what happens
Even when the sky is falling down
I’ll promise you
That I’ll never let you go


You, When I fall
you held me back up with an unfaltering gaze

And You, through those sad times
held my hands till the end of the world

I might be a shabby person who has never done anything for you
But today, I am singing this song just for you
Tonight, within those two eyes
and smile I can see the pains from protecting me
You and I together. It’s just feel alright
Even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you
You and I together, don’t ever let go of my hands
even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you

Our love has changed a bit by bit just like others
But don’t be sad
Hopefully I will be someone who you can trust like an old friend
and someone you can lean onto
I promise you that I’m be right here baby

I might be a shabby person who has never done  anything for you
But today, I am singing this song just for you
Tonight, within those two eyes
and smile I can see the pains from protecting me
You and I together. It’s just feel alright
Even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you
You and I together, don’t ever let go of my hands
even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you

I close my eyes lightly whenever I feel lonely again
I no longer fear when your breath holds me
No one in the world can replace you
You are the only one in I’ll be there for you baby

You and I together, It’s just feeling alright
Even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you
You and I together, don’t ever let go my hands
even though i bid you goodbye, to me this world is just you

Just you and I
Forever and ever..

Credit: fajinsh (Youtube)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Life, Updated!

Lame giler kot x update blog..igt nk update..dh byk kali dh..tp asyik postpone je..alih2 lupe..hehe..so skrg ak akn wt summary la sume bende best yg berlaku kt ak sejak kblkngn ni..=p

Ok..1st thing first..3rd Sep 2009..g SS501 nyer fanmeeting..ponteng klas Company..arrived there around 2.30..after Zohor prayer go to One World Hotel n start queueing until 6 plus *xbwk jam..so tgk jam hp je* when d fans start turning loco..pushing like hell..shouting like hell..haha..pengalaman sgguh..sumpah ak xg fanmeeting mn2 artis korea kalo ak xmint gile2..=p

Around 7 plus i believe..dpt msk venue utk fanmeeting tu..dpt tgk all 5 of them..in cloud 9 4 a while..Hyun Joong comey gile! Hoho..tp xamik sign HJ coz' his line was long like hell n d other 4 not that long..go 4 2nd option..JungMin..he said 3 words in Malay.."Apa khabar..terima kasih..n jumpa lagi.." Hehe..really nice person..*though i actually like him bcoz he is evil..* Me? I said literally nothing..i just mumbled some incoherent words..n smile like some madwoman..hoho..all in all..worth it though i don't get HJ's sign..i'm definitely going if they are going to do the 1st Asia Tour Persona Concert in Malaysia..=)

P/S: Dun ask me why some part of d signature is blurred..it's all due to DSP stupidity to provide all d boys except HJ with whiteboard marker..=(

Spent some money at YesAsia..as usual la..this time I bought AADBSK 3 and my first SS501 album (not including d album bought 4 d purpose of d fanmeeting)!!!! Haha..tp mcm biasa la..xtgk lg..terlampau bz *though i believe none of my mountain of works had been done in any way* br tgk 1 DVD AADBSK..cm best..tgk la..i'll try to find some time to watch both DVDs..

Then Raya 2009...4 d first time, raya thn ni I got none of my grandparents from both sides (mak n abah)..it kinda feels empty..tp sbnrnya dh lame pn feel empty..sejak tok wan meninggal 2 thn lps pn dh xrs sgt nikmat raya tu..as ak meningkat dewasa, d only thing i like about Raya is budget 4 baju baru..other than that..nothing..d excitement tu dh lame ilang..=(

Tu je ar sedikit sebanyak benda2 yg berlaku dlm idup ak sejak kebelakangan ni..rs cm byk lg benda len..tp dh dok tangguh2..ak pn dh xigt nk tulis apa..hoho..apa2 je ar..=p

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Story of My Life...

Hoho..this so-called quiz *pick your 5 sort of application* caught my eyes when I was facebooking dis evening. And it kept lingering in my mind all evening until I decide that I'm going to write about it in my blog. Ok, without wasting any more time, I'll present to you my 'proposal' for a movie about my life..


-Local = Khabir Bhatia. I admire this person's work. His movies are d only Malay movies I watched at the cinema *other than Upin & Ipin of course..=p*

-Hollywood = I hv no idea. Dun really remember the name of the directors for movies I watched. Maybe the director for d movie P.S. I Love You can direct this movie. I love d movie way better that d novel *P.S. I Love You's book fans, plz dun kill me..*


-I dunno..but one word title usually caught ppl's attention..something like 'If' is kinda interesting too..it makes ppl wonder what d movie is actually about..or maybe a title that goes along d line of 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility'..=p


-It will be separated into 3 eras; my childhood + primary school, my 2ndary school and my university life...

-1st era will be a story of Ugly Betty mixed with Dennis the Menace..

-2nd era would be a hillarious comedy and lots of fun..as 2ndary school was when i had d most fun..

-3rd era would be a drama as lots of things happened during my university life..=)



-Local = Scha. I got d feeling she can play 'me' well..=p

-Hollywood = Anne Hathaway. I like her and her acting...and I think she will be perfect as 'me'

Love Interest

-I'm currently not in a relationship, so it's quite hard to find a 'love interest' as I only hv crushes..=p Just bring me a list of actors with these qualities; 1. Height = min 175 cm 2. Smart-looking 3. Cute *Currently, I'm interested in cute-looking guys..=p* Hoho..I guess there'll be a long list of qualified actors..so I'll just run through them and disqualify anyone who didn't seem to meet 'my standard' in love interest..=p

-As an example, Kim Hyun Joong would be perfect for d role of 'my love interest'. He's tall, smart-looking and cute! =)


-It's hard to choose only one person among my close friends, so I guess I'll choose my eldest (and only) sister as my BFF in the movie about my life. BTW, she's d only person who had known me for d whole 21 years of my life! *other than my parents, of course*

-Local = Jue Aziz. She's not one of my fav actress but I suppose she's perfect for the role

-Hollywood = Somehow I think Eva Longoria Parker can play the role of 'my sister' well..=)


-Hollywood = Parents like Lizzie's father and mother in the series Lizzie McGuire would be just gr8 for the role of my parents

-Local = I totally hv no idea. For the 'mom' I guess Rozita Che Wan would be terrific but I can't think of a single local actor who can play the role of my 'dad'...

Worst Enemy

-I'm not even that popular to hv somebody who hated me to the core but I guess a movie wouldn't be complete without an antagonist character, rite?

-Hollywood = I loathe Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. One of them can play the role as my 'worst enemy'

-Local = Definitely Fasha Sandha...=p

So what do you think? Is the story about my life interesting enough to be turned into a movie? I doubt so..=p

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lonely...I Am So Lonely...=(

It is a well-known fact that I loathe being alone..n d worst part is I don't only hate being alone in a literal sense, I hate FEELING lonely as well..frankly speaking, even if there's thousands of ppl around me, but those ppl aren't d ones I need d most at that point of time, I'll still feel lonely..=(

Things changes in a blink of eyes. Someone who was very much alive 3 weeks ago had already left, leaving only traces of memories for us who are still breathing on earth. Someone who was very healthy 2 weeks ago had been diagnosed with something unimaginable *though not totally unexpected* and had experienced things that she might never experience hv she not been diagnosed with this particular disease. Some virus which looks so mild few weeks back hv been on 'killing spree' lately, sacrificing innocent souls every single day. Someone I cared so much about is gone, for good I supposed, leaving me feeling d fear dat i'll never meet dat person again...

All these things affect me terribly, leaving me feeling insecure, LONELY, sad, anxious, annoyed, etc..I hate it when I hv no one to talk to, to share about what i feel...no wonder no man is an island on his own! I don't think I'll ever survive if am left alone in a stranded island. I need company, male or female, stranger or friend...I don't really mind. I've never felt this alone my whole life *due to d fact that my life is only a short 21 years...coupled with d fact that only recently I understand the real meaning of love and life*.

I really don't know how to make this lonely feeling go away...so I only did what I do best, ignore it. Distract myself with other things, happy things. Though I'm not sure whether it will do me good, that's d only option left. Whether I talk to someone about it *which is highly unlikely as I'm not d kind of person who like to share personal problems with others* or I just bottled up everything nicely and put it at the back of my mind and only 'open up' the bottle when all the problems are settled *though I totally hv no idea how it would be settled* and I'm ready to talk about it without feeling any pain or uncomfortable feelings.

Looking at d current situation, I bet it would take up to 5 years to be settled, once and for all. As for now, I guess I can only pray and hope 4 d best. As far as this 'lonely feeling' is concerned , I just hv to live with it...=(

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tindakan Bodoh!

~Sunday, 2 August 2009~

Yesterday was very tiring. I woke up at 4 am, perform my Isya' prayer *hehe* n dgn 'bona fide'nya switch on pc utk print lesson plan kajang trip. Pstu tetiba br perasan e-mail lesson plan yg Im anta format '.wps', mmg xleh buka guna normal xp (baik 2003 maupun 2007). So, ak berusaha la mencari software utk buka gk file tu..n at d same time buka FB..cm biasa la bile bka FB..msti la lalai nyer..dlm kul 5.30 cmtu ak br trgerak hati nk tgk satu lg file yg Im anta..rupe2 nya dat goddamn lesson plan yg dh di'convert' jd format '.doc' ad dlm another file tu..hoho..my own folly dat cost me almost 2 hours of sleep! Lps print sume..dh pukul 6..mmg xsmpt la nk qada' tidur as abah nk anta kul 7.00 pg...

Dat one thing..then ktorg g la Kajang Prison, conduct lesson, etc..g lunch kt Satay Haji Samuri...n naik kereta Fina utk balik UM *hehe..actually..di sini la kisah ak nk bermula..*

Ktorg tersekat dlm traffic jam selama hampir 1 jam! B4 dat mmg Cik Su ad warning pn kata yg nk balik UM mmg jam but we dun expect it to be dat terrible! Waktu tu mmg ak dh xbrp sedap hati coz dgr citer ari ni ad Demonstrasi utk Mansuhkan ISA..pg td mmg ad 2-3 roadblock dh pn..kt dpn Istana Negara ad FRU sume..tp ak sedapkn hati..xde ap kot..so dlm kul 2 cmtu smpi la kt UM..Fina anta ak n Dell kt Stsn U coz Dell nk g jumpe mama die n ak nk blk umah..*kredit Fina jap..thanks Fina tumpangkan kitorg g Kajang Prison!*

Nk dijadikan citer la..nasib ak mmg sgt malang aritu..Putra LRT x berhenti kt Stsn Masjid Jamek sbb Stsn Masjid Jamek ditutup due to that stupid demonstration..d tren trus berhenti kt Stsn Dang Wangi n ak turun la kt stsn tu *ms tu ak cume pkir..if i were to be stranded, it better be here sbb stsn tu ad air cond..=)* Hoho..then terpkir lak yg dkt2 dgn Stsn Dang Wangi ad Monorel..so ak menapak la g Monorel..*xla jauh mana..tp kalo kire penat balik dr kajang + bangun xtra awal pg tu..agk memenatkn gk la..* Ak naik Monorel smpi Stsn Hang Tuah b4 amik LRT Star smpi umah..

Hehe..thought my story is over? Not quite yet! Ak smpi umah dlm kul 3 lebey cmtu...g solat Zohor sume..n then tetibe abah dpt call dr Kajang kata Pah "bernafas lain macam.." Guess what we did? Of course kitorg 1 family g Kajang..abah dok tanya ak nk g ke x..msti la ak nk..buat nye tu kali terakhir ak jumpe pah xke terkilan kalo xg kn? Dlm kul 6 lebey br la ktorg balik dr Kajang..ok..now d story had ends..

The real issue starts here..so u can skip all d above paragraphs if u want..=)

Hoho..drpd cerita panjang td..sbnrnye ak nk komplen psl manusia2 x bertanggungjawab buat demonstrasi kt Dataran Merdeka n menyusahkan idup aku! *well..bkn la idup ak sorg, ak tau..tp nmpk cm 1Malaysia sgt lak kalo cerita psl ksshn sume org..hehe..so ak citer ksshn ak je la ek..* Bayangkan kalo demonstrasi tu xde..ktorg akn smpi kt UM myb dlm 1.30 cmtu..n kalo LRT xkne detour g Dang Wangi dlm 2 lebey cmtu ak dh smpi umah! Ntah smpt tdo jap b4 g Kajang agaknye..hoho..tp ni sume 'Kalaulah..' sbb bnde dh berlaku kn..

Yg ak xphm sgt nye ni..yg rmi2 g wt Demonstrasi suruh Mansuh ISA tu..brp org je yg sbnrnye pnh bc ISA tu? Diorg tau x d fact yg ISA tu jd xbaik sbb;

1. ISA against NJ *no right to be heard = against d 1st principle of NJ dat is audi alteram partem (right to be heard)* n HR *supposedly sbb against Art. 5 FC tp since decided cases kata x against Art. 5 since Art. 5 sdr kata 'save in accordance with law'..so I guess no strong argument there*

2. ISA gives too much power to Executive..which is not good due to d concept of separation of power yg separate kuasa betweeen executive, legislative n judiciary..bile executive amik alih kuasa court *as Min. of Home Affair leh bg direction utk tahan up to 2 years without trial* it is not so good as it will lead to abuse of power

...and maybe for many other reasons yg ak xtau..sbb dlm Consti n Admin ak bljr bbrp seksyen dlm ISA je..hehe..ok, jokes aside..diorg tau x sume ni? I doubt so..unless u hv legal background or u mmg mengkaji ISA u would not know all this..n now I ask u..kalo ad nyamuk dlm kelambu..kite kna bunuh nyamuk ke bakar kelambu? Msti bunuh nyamuk je kn..it is more wise..mcm tu jugak la dgn ISA..I believe it need not to be totally repealed..but it must be amended..a large part of it in fact..byk negara dh start buat Anti-Terrorist Law..tp knp lak ngr kite yg dh ad some sort of law yg blh dipanggil Anti-Terrorist Law nk take backward step? Nonsense!

Tu one thing la..1 lg..ap kbaikn wt demonstrasi? Ye, ak tau..Art 10 FC bg Freedom of Assembly etc. etc..tp mslhnye krjaan Msia xkn dgr ckp korg kalo korg stkt wt Demonstrasi2 ni..effect die predictable..krajaan akn slahkn pembangkang n gunakan Demonstrasi ni utk kpentingan politik diorg..bkn ak nk kt Pembangkang xterlibat ke, ap ke..tp ak nk tekankn kt cni yg Demonstrasi ni x bg kebaikn kpd sesiapa kecuali makhluk2 Tuhan yg gile ber'politik'ing je! Tlg la celik, wahai rakyat Malaysia...tlg la jgn jd 'tool' permainan politik kotor ni..from d last General Election korg tau kn yg kuasa sbnrnye kt tangan kite..if u want changes..yes, u can fight for changes..but through d right channel la..demonstration might work in some countries, but in Malaysia, I dun see its effectiveness yet..

Akhir kata, jgn la wt demonstrasi jalanan lg..menyusahkn manusia2 xbrslh cm kami ni je..=)

P/S: Due to ap yg brlaku ari Sabtu..ari Ahad ak rs nk demam..Isnin terus demam teruk costing me a whole week of class..mybe d kepenatan on Saturday just a contributing factor coz weather+musim demam+H1N1+overwork not enough rest+mcm2 lg = tunggu masa je nk reach limit..hehe..

Disclaimer: Ak xla cemerlang sgt Admin n Consti so argument ak psl ISA might be inaccurate..so kalo korg prsn mn2 part yg inaccurate, gtau la ek..hehe..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Shocking Truth

It is a very disturbing truth to learn that in this modern world, there are still ppl who like to stereotype other ppl..why must d way you dress n d way you carry yourself be an issue that caused you to be downgraded? I just don't understand it! Do everybody hv to act like YOU to be considered as in the same level as YOU? Oh, plz! That's a very narrow and idiotic principle..then, words like unity in diversity will amount to nothing then..

I mean, yes, in some ways I'm still a lil' bit conservative..

  1. I wear scarf *that is because I know I HAVE to cover my hair..it is a clear-cut principles taught by Islam that women must cover their hair..if I knew it but dun practice it then it will be 'cakap x serupa bikin' la..*
  2. I don't like touching and being touched by d other species called 'men' *it is wrong, for one thing, but more importantly I don't feel comfortable touching men..unless it is really necessary to do so..then I'll be tolerant*
  3. I also covers my whole body from head to toe with the exceptions of face and hands and sometimes..legs..that is also justifiable..what is the purpose of wearing scarf if you reveal other parts of your body? Duh!

But the conservativeness stops there...really! I mean, why did I wear Baju Kurung a lot to classes? That is because I have many Baju Kurung and if i dun wear it to classes , I'll only wear it to Kenduri n Hari Raya! I am also a very open-minded person..(you can tell me that you're gay, and I'll never look down on you..I always reserved my opinion for myself) I am also used to vulgar words *though i dun understand why they must use vulgar words..do u look cool? No you don't! You look so ill-mannered ppl will start wondering what your teachers had taught you at school* You can use as much vulgar words as you want, I'll never be offended (unless the words are offending of course..=p)

I wear high heels *really lovin' them..but cannot wear them as much as I want to..as it is not good for my body structure + I walk a lot everyday..high heels would be highly impractical..=)* and I bought new, fashionable clothes *btw I like the Taiwanese, Korean n Japanese styles..not so much into Western sense of fashion* I cannot buy them often though, and I cannot afford it if it is too expensive (I don't have so much money, unlike some of us who are born in silver spoons). So, I bought new clothes according to my needs at moderate prices [Below RM100 should be fine..=)]

Now tell me..am I a nerd, based on my descriptions above? Oh, plz stop judging ppl externally..it is so immature and 'perasan bagus'..as the Malays always said. B4 you start criticizing others, looks at yourself first..you are only entitled to label ppl as you wish and criticise ppl as you like if you are perfect (which you will not be..as you are a human)

I think it's enough with this ranting and raving..I'm sorry if anyone feel offended..I just need to get this anger out of my head...♥

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hyun Joong is DEAD?

No...lah! I'll grieve for 100 days if that happened...*selisih malaikat 44* Feels good to be writing in Manglish again...(writing in formal Malay is a real pain...now I'm sure that I prefer writing my Project Paper in English...=p)

I'm referring to SS501 Solo Collection MV...d 2nd episode...which tells d whole story about the 3 main characters; Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong and Jung Min. If you watched the 1st episode, and were left perplexed *like me, apparently...=)* the 2nd episode is a must-watch. It'll tell you d whole story (I supposed the 1st episode consist of clips from the 2nd episode) like why Hyun Joong killed the guy in the bar and tried to kill Jung Min, why Kyu Jong tried to kill the girl, etc., etc.

However, I can't promise that you'll understand the whole story after watching d whole thing though. *I still don't...=p* I still did not understand why Kyu Jong wanted to kill the girl (in the 2nd episode there are newspapers article showing pictures of Kyu Jong and Jung Min, so I supposed Kyu Jong tried to kill the girl MIGHT have something to do with Jung Min...but I can't be too sure) as the clip I watched had no English subtitle and my knowledge of Korean is very limited and basic.

Having said that, maybe you'll understand the MV better though...as sometimes I can be a lil' bit slow in understanding things. Here's the 2nd Episode MV...you can judge for yourself!

My Hyun Joongie died in this part I think *actually the MV did not show that he's dead, but he's bleeding to death...='(* Though it is just an act, it still sadden me...I don't care if he is a professional assasin or anything, I just don't want him to die! *in fact, I don't want any of them died (Hyun Joong, Jung Min and Kyu Jong). The girl can die all she wants...I don't care! =p*

This is the NG for the MV..but not much. I guess there'll be other clips that show the other NGs..=)

In case you are curious, this MV is for SS501 Solo Collection that had just been/not been released yet. All 5 of them have their own song (my fav would be Hyun Joong's 'Please Be Nice To Me' and Young Saeng's 'Nameless Memory'). Oh yeah, and one more thing. Young Saeng and Hyung Joon only sing for this MV..they are not part of the casts in the MV...=)

Credit: shirbogurl21 (videos from YouTube)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hot n Cold

"You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes"

Lagu ni memang sangatlah sesuai ditujukan kpd kerajaan Malaysia ni..aku merujuk kepada pemansuhan PPSMI (Program Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris.) Alasan yang diberikan mudah; majoriti guru tidak yakin untuk mengajar Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan prestasi pelajar di dalam kedua-dua subjek tersebut menurun sejak PPSMI diperkenalkan.

Aku amat tak setuju dengan keputusan kerajaan ni, dan aku tahu, ramai yang tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan ini. Jika diikutkan, sekiranya sesuatu polisi yang dilaksanakan itu tidak berjaya, logiknya kita akan mengkaji polisi tersebut dan memindanya supaya menjadi lebih baik, bukannya terus memansuhkan polisi tersebut dan kembali ke takuk lama. Itulah yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan, tetapi malangnya kerajaan kita terlalu 'terdesak' untuk mendapat sokongan rakyat sehinggakan mereka sanggup berbuat apa sahaja demi mendapatkannya. Mereka langsung tidak memikirkan nasib pelajar-pelajar sekolah yang menjadi mangsa. Inikah kerajaan yang dikatakan 'mendahulukan rakyat'?

Kata Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, walaupun pelajar menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dalam subjek Sains dan Matematik sebelum PPSMI diperkenalkan, negara kita masih berjaya mengeluarkan graduan doktor dan professional lain yang berjaya. Aku langsung tidak bersetuju dengan analogi tersebut. Memanglah kami (kamilah antara generasi terakhir yang mempelajari Sains dan Matematik dalam BM) menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai medium pengajaran Sains dan Matematik di sekolah, tetapi barangkali Najib terlupa bahawa hanya pelajar yang cemerlang sahaja yang layak mengambil jurusan perubatan dan professional lain.

Pelajar-pelajar ini adalah mereka yang boleh berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam kedua-dua bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris (untuk mengambil jurusan perubatan, pelajar perlu mendapat 'Band 4' dalam peperiksaan MUET). Aku pasti, sekiranya pelajar-pelajar ini mempelajari Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris, mereka masih akan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang kerana mereka memang bijak.

Aku yakin bahawa hanya pelajar yang kurang cemerlang mempunyai masalah dalam mempelajari Matematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Aku cuma ada 1 persoalan; adakah pemansuhan PPMSI akan meningkatkan prestasi pelajar-pelajar ini? Mungkin tidak!

Apa-apapun, keputusan telah dibuat, dan suka atau tidak, mulai 2012 pelajar-pelajar akan mula menggunakan Bahasa Melayu kembali dalam mempelajari subjek Sains dan Matematik. Harapan aku kini cuma satu; supaya isu ini tidak lagi dipolitikkan. Cukuplah tu. Tolonglah jangan ubah lagi polisi ini di masa hadapan. Kasihan para pelajar.

P/S: Aku menulis artikel ini di dalam Bahasa Melayu kerana aku ingin membuktikan kepada para 'pejuang bahasa' kita bahawa walaupun kami belajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris, kami masih mendaulatkan Bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu tetap takkan pupus di dunia walaupun subjek Sains dan Matematik diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris. =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ready, Get Set, Go!

Akhirnya semua tutorial dh habis daftar! Yeay! *buka champagne..hoho* Dlm byk2 aktiviti kat Law Fac ni, daftar tutorial adalah antara aktiviti yg aku paling xsuke skali..mana xnya..cm berperang plak..kna ada strategi la (ok! kalo ko dpt dftr dulu tuliskan nama sumer org tau! =p) ..kna ada backup plan la (wei, kalo xdpt ari selasa kul 10-11, kul 9-10 ek!)..peperangan utk mendaftar kelas tutorial memang memenatkan..

Kalo korg menang peperangan tu (sume strategi menjadi..sume kelas (musuh) yang di'aim' dpt 'dijajah')..mmg bahagia ar..cntk je jadual korg spjg sesi 2009/2010 ni..

Kalo korg ada menang-ada kalah cam ak..kureng bahagia la..*nk bahagia cmna..klas PIL ak kul 8 pg ari khamis kot..=(*

Paling teruk skali kalo korg mmg bernasib malang *tukar la nama korg kpd Lebai Malang* terpaksa terima je la klas tutorial mn yg msh nk terima korg..ni adalah antara manusia2 plg malang dlm dunia..ad 3 tutorial shari..mau bunuh diri kot sbb depression..hoho *cek la kt website cara artis2 korea bunuh diri..leh jdkn guideline utk pastikn rancangan utk bunuh diri tu berjaya..*

Kul 12-2 td ad Senior-Junior Meet..ni antara satu drpd event yg berlaku kt Law Fac yg ak sgt suke..kt Law Fac ni..events yg ak suke cume..

  1. Senior-Junior Meet
  2. Mock Trial (lg2 kalo ad kelucahan melampau..best!)
  3. AGM
  4. Apa2 event yg ad bg makanan e.g. buka puasa, jamuan hari raya, etc.
...sbb otherwise, Law Fac bukanlah satu tempat yg happening sgt..*student mmg happening gile..no doubt..cume d venue itself x la se'happening' mn..=p* Senior-junior meet ni adalah 1 annual event di mn 1st year Freshies perlu menghiburkan senior2 mrk yg 'sudah tua ini' & mendptkn tandatangan senior2..(during orientation week, 1st yr perlu mndptkn signature seniors setiap batch..*ni la msnya senior nk rs cm artis popular..org dok kejar nk signature..hoho..* n senior-junior meet is d best place to do so..as seniors will gather in Audi, ready to give their 'precious signatures').

However, d signatures come with a price..mereka perlu menghiburkan seniors b4 d signatures are given..n i tell u..it's not ez to satisfy d seniors *bukanlah senior ni org kejam berhati batu yg very dull n dry..it juz dat d seniors really like to buli d juniors teruk2..so they'll pretend dat they are not satisfied at all wif whatever is being performed by d juniors* n dat is actually d best part! Hoho..for seniors la..4 juniors, it feels like shit! *i knew how it felt..been there, done that..*

It is a very enlightening entertainment seeing d seniors marahkan d juniors. Yes, they had done wrong..and yes, some of them are really spoilt n rude to d seniors..tp kdg2 tu sbb benda kecik pn diorg kna marah..hehe..feels sorry 4 them gk la..esp d ones yg xpnh wt ap2 salah tu..tp still kna marah teruk2 gk. But i do feels that dis is a part of learning..being lawyers, u need to be thick-skinned..kalo kna marah dgn seniors pn xleh tahan..how u're going to stand Mr Justice Dato' Gopal Sri Ram?

I guess i'll stop here..need to do some housechores b4 preparing letter regarding project paper..till then, jaljja! =)

Monday, July 6, 2009

The hottest time of d day...

No, no, aniyo..d accurate ones would be d longest time of d day..hoho..ari ni serius masa lambat giler berlalu..klas PIL kul 10..dgn Datin Mary George..then kelas Juris. xde..pastu..ak menunggu la dgn penuh kebosanan smpi kul 3 ptg..coz ad klas Islamic Criminal Law..haha..in fact, 3 hours wasn't dat long if u hv something to do e.g. wat tutorial ke..surf internet ke..but d ironic things are we dun hv any tutorials until at least d 2nd week or d 3rd week n d server is down!

Hoho..ilang sume semangat berkobar2 ak nk start doing research 4 my project paper..(segan nk jumpe dr farah sbb xwt apa2 lg..hehe..) n replaced by perasaan bosan yg tramat sgt..i guess i'm not d kind of person who can be in d 'idle' mode 4 a long time.. n adding salt to my wound (rasa bosan leh dikategorikan as wound x? Hehe) klas Islamic Criminal start ari Rabu ni..so, my penantian yg x berpenghujung tu to no avail..talking about a series of unfortunate events..=)

Aku add subject baru 4 my el! Hoho..since it is impossible 4 me to take AFEA1106 as my EL [not that I want to take dat sub so much..it juz dat d subjects i wanted (Korean Language or Budaya n Masyarakat Korea) is not available...so i juz hv to go wif d flow for d sake of finishing my EL..] ak amik subject Nutrisi Sepanjang Hayat as my EL..haha..d course sounds delicious..=p Xpnh lg g klas so i dun hv a single idea pun psl course ni..so it is kinda still pending (add n drop ad 2 minggu lg..hehe..) but I hv good 1st impressions on dis subject..

  1. Kod die SHES1319..bile nombor depan 1, meaning it is an introductory course...bukan advanced course..most probably it would be very basic and understandable..[after all i got A2 for my Biology rite? Hope i can cope..=) ]
  2. The final exam would be MCQ...yeah, yeah, i know MCQ can be kinda confusing..but if possible..i dun really wanna take a subject with essay questions 4 final exam..all d law papers had tire me..=)
  3. Students from Sc Faculty is not allowed to take dis course..so most probably dis course is juz too easy 4 them...too easy = most basic concept = bearable 4 non-science student like us..hehe..
  4. Course ni 2 jk je! Which means no tutorial! Yay!
Tapi tgk ar ari rabu ni..if i felt dat it is too hard maybe i'll drop it but d prob is i can only register for 22 jk due to the folly of mine (i can't even do my maths correctly) . I can only take 2 jk ELs or Koku..not much choice actually..

Anyhow, i need to try my best to like dis subject..hwaiting! =)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Akulah petani moden!

Hoho..aku sedang menikmati hari2 terakhir cuti semester..Isnin depan dh start klas..malasnye! =( Xtau ar dpt bangun ke x ari isnin nnt..LOL..

Sepanjang cuti ni, ak tlh berjaya me'nurture' minat ak yg tlh terpendam sekian lama...iaitu bermain game! Haha..ni sume penangan Facebook la..permainan pertama..Pet Society..hoho..kalo korg suke main The Sims korg tau la konsep Pet Society ni..mandikn pet, bagi makan, bagi die happy, lawat kawan..hehe..seronok! =p

Pastu permainan lain mule 'mengisi' idup aku satu demi satu..Restaurant City, Sorority Life, Yoville..tp genre games yg plg byk aku main..farming! Hehe..Farm Town, Barn Buddy, Farmville...ak dh jd 'petani' yg berjaya spjg cuti 2 bulan ni..petani moden lagi! Quoting from Yuchimaro Akira (Ema), "kite dpt untung yg sgt byk tanpa mengeluarkn walaupun setitik peluh!" hehe..

Tp, nmpk gayanya 'keseronokan' tu x kekal lama..minggu depan dh start klas! Xtau ar ad ms ke x nk uruskan 'ladang2' ak ni..hoho..buruk x perangai, org dok sibuk psl project paper, ak dok ssh hati xde ms nk men game..LOL!

Ni ar gmbr salah satu ladang ak kt Farm Town..

Hoho..ladang ak cantik kan? (Perasan giler..=p) Dh ar, xtau nk bebel ap lg..nite!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Way Back into Love - Super Junior & SNSD @ MBC Lalala

I saw dis vid yesterday when I was looking for new K-Pop gossips at http://seoulbeats.com/. I am not a big fan of SNSD, never have been n never will be (sorry Soshis!) but I hv to admit, this vid is gr8! Both the SNSD girls (Taeyeon n Jessica) hv a very good English pronunciation. I also like Taeyeon's voice in this song. Sica's voice is a lil' bit too high for me, so I don't really like it. Kyuhyun is already known as one of SuJu's member who has gr8 voice (other than Ryeowook n Yesung I think) so his soothing voice does not suprised me much. He also hv good English pronunciation [but sometimes I just don't get what he's saying, but that is forgiven considering how he sang it beautifully nevertheless..=)]. Donghae's voice is kinda nice too. His Engrish need to be polished up, that's for sure, but he's cute so he's forgiven...=p

This song (Way Back into Love) is actually OST for a movie called Music and Lyrics starring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. There are two versions of this song, one of them by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore (it's a demo version from the movie itself) and another version by Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett. Both versions are nice but I like the demo version better as I like Drew Barrymore...=)

I've posted Drew-Hugh version for all of you to enjoy..=)

Credits: pocketfullofsmiles (video from YouTube), vanessa_dyone (mp3 from 4shared)

Friday, June 26, 2009

SeeYa, Davichi, Ji Yeon (T-ara) - Women's Generation

씨야, 다비치, 티아라 - 여성시대 (SeeYa, Davichi, T-Ara - Women's Generation)


Putting on make up, getting a brand new hair cut
I'll be born again into a cool woman
Yeah Yeah Yeah
More boldly, with a little more confidence
I won't cry, ever again

Wearing pretty heels, wearing the trendy clothes
I step out on to the streets

All the people looking at me
I don't hate it, 'cause I'm beautiful

I have many days to laugh, I didn't realize that
I don't cry even when I'm lonely, I don't suffer
I'm gonna live my life


Lalalala La Lalala Lala
I'll change, for myself
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I'll start all over again from the start
I'm gonna laugh out loud

Cherry-red lipstick, Sexy stockings,
I decorate myself again

A classy woman, A woman with nice legs
That's me

I have many days still left to laugh
I didn't realize that yet
I'm gonna live my life, wherever, with confidence


Even though the world tricks me again
I'll wipe my tears and become bold
So that I can laugh in world's face

Even though I'm lonely
Even though life can be sad
Doesn't matter how many times
I'll step over it again
(Step over it again)
Yeah Yeah Yeah

Even though I fall in front of the world
Doesn't matter how many times
I'll just get back up again
(Get back up again)

Lalalala La Lalala Lala
I'll be happy, starting today
Yeah Yeah Yeah
(I'll be happy)

Tiny thing like failure,
I'm not scared of it
I'm gonna live a grand life

This is a song from a 3 groups combination; SeeYa, Davichi & T-Ara. This is a gr8 song about d power of women. D melody is catchy and the singers aren't so bad either. Enjoy! =p

Credits: minhhiep87 & YBG (The lyrics was taken from her vids and she credited the translation to YBG), wondersmurf (Video from YouTube)

Michael Jackson is dead?

The news of d death of this King of Pop came up as a suprise to me and millions of other ppl from around the world. Ye ar, xde sakit apa pun..tiba2 dpt tau mati sbb cardiac arrest..i woke up dis morning at 10 (haha..i slept late last nite) n open up Yahoo! when I saw d news. I was like "Dah mati? Bile? Knapa?" It was totally shocking dat I can't quite believe it until much later. Then I found out that he was 50 at the time of his death. Ak cm insaf kejap la bile dpt tau yg die x la tua sgt. MJ was like d same age as my father n I can't quite imagine how my life would be if my dad suddenly left in d near future (Ya Allah, panjangkan la umur abah..Amin!)

I was not a big fan of him but there's one song by him that really captured my heart. The song is called 'Heal The World'. This song is a slow song but I loved d lyrics. It moves me as it talks about the hope 4 peace in d world. I'll put d video of dis song and u guys can judge 4 urself..

May you rest in peace, Michael Jackson!

Credit: swtarsim (Video from Youtube)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1 Week B4 The New Sem Starts...

I am going to be a 3rd year! Haha..rs cm baru semalam ak abis orientasi wktu 1st year.. orientasi fac where we were tortured (xde la torture sgt..mental torture maybe..=p) and frightened by the JKOs. During that time, I still remembered, I thought that seniors kt Law Fac ni sgt garang n menakutkan..when in fact, they are actually quite cool! =) During the orientation week, 3 things are permanently stucked in my head..the 'simbah' ceremony (i still remembered all d stinking durians, maggi, soft tofu n what not being poured on us..eeww), the Freshie Nite (we were instructed to dress like Nerds while the JKOs put on their beautiful nite dress..) and the Mock Trial (it was so hard not to laugh when they were doing funny things on stage...). All these may not be the memories of the happiest moments but i'll remember it till my mind can no longer remember anything (when i had gone senile or amnesia..=p) That's for sure..

These 2 years have been hard (studying law, that is) but i also hv so much fun and gain many new knowledge and experiences many new things...

My moots group

Mooting adalah one of d memories yg ak plg xleh lupe. Honestly speaking, sejak dari Asasi kt UiTM lagi ak sgt takut nk moots..n now that i've done my 1st mooting, I feel satisfied. Not that I had done a very good job in the moots, there's still many areas dat i need to improve...but i've done it, at last. N i still hv 1 year to mentally prepare myself b4 i go 4 mooting again (in final year) =)

COP at Sekolah Tunas Bakti

Joining Community Outreach Programme (or Clinical Legal Education as it was formely known as) had taught me so much things. I had improved my stage fright prob (though i am still kinda inarticulate during english class impromptu speech..=p) and I start to look at things from different perspectives. I also learnt to be less judgmental towards juvenile delinquents. Not to mention I also learnt how hard it is to be a babysitter/kindergarten teacher! (Rumah Nur Salam). CLE@COP had taught me all of d above n many more..I am glad I join COP...=)

Community Awareness Week

I also learnt so many things from joining the Community Awareness Week's project. As I was in the event planning bureau which happened to be very busy, I learnt a lot. Things like communicating with the NGOs, ensuring the smooth opening ceremony and the stress when doing it, especially! All this while, projects like Mock Trial and Career Convention Week looks so easy to me as I was only a participants/spectators and not the organiser. After I joined this project, I learnt the hard truth that it is not easy as it seems. There are so many pre-launching works, even more works during the event itself, n it is still not d end after the event itself ended (does AGM ring a bell, anyone?) Yes, there are so many things to do...but in exchange you'll get valuable life lessons and experiences you'll never get anywhere else..=)

I guess that's all for now. We have gone past 1st year n 2nd year doors, it's now time to open the new door of 3rd year...good luck!

To my batchmates...good luck 4 ur 3rd year...hwaiting!

Credits: Moot Pic (Hajar), 2nd Year Pic and CAW Pic (Yazman)